87. Do you like Petra?

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...I have to help him get Petra...

You pulled your feet toward the core of your body, hiding behind your scarf, while still being consumed in thoughts and trying to find out what you could possibly do.
Over the entire time, you circled around the thought, whether there was anything you were capable of aligning.
The fire in front of you had already started fading, as you lost yourself in its tiny flames.

Levi stood up.
"Let's go."

You, slightly confused from the the warm spot you sat on:

"We need to collect more eggs."

"Eggs?", you repeated even more confused.

"If you want to starve to death, you can stay here.", he flatly responded.

He brushed over his shirt, before walking toward a small closet built into the wall, which was almost wholly invisible to the observer.
He opened it nimbly with his fingers and took an axe out of the creaking cabinet, gripping it relaxedly around its wooden handle.
You stared in surprise, as Levi retrieved from the spot in the corner and walked toward the huge oak-door, which you then did as well. You saw, that it had paintings carved inside of it and displayed a short story of three bears, three bowls of soup and a young woman, who kinda reminded you of Sasha.

You swiftly snatched your thick coat from the pitch-black clothes-rack and gave Levi his, which hung beside yours.
Levi also took the 3DMGs, just to make sure the situation was under control. After putting the both on, you grinned brightly, before he opened the backdoor and you were able to get out and perceive.
And hell, did you perceive. It was beautiful.

You weren't capable of telling how far the two of you had rode out, but you saw, as well as felt, small rain drops falling down the sky, right onto the misty earth, which's grass was still caressed by the morning-dew. So in this part of land, it was definitely colder.
Your scarf was the thing you were most thankful to, because it protected you from the freezing fog, covering the view even just a few metres ahead.
Tall conifers were stretching up, as far as that the eyesight couldn't even reach their top through all the haze.

Levi stepped out onto the unknown ground, covered by the dry needles of the trees and then looked back to make sure you were following.

Him and you stomped toward the fresh, dark-green giants, which almost seemed entirely black, because of the light-grey and white colours standing in contrast everywhere around.

"Why do you need an axe?", you asked curiously, catching up with Levi.

"We need wood."


"To light up the fireplace."

You, grinning:
"Oooh, so which tree are we going to cut?"

Levi blankly:
"Me. I'm cutting. You search for eggs."

"Eggs? Where am I supposed to find eggs here?", you asked in a joking manner, which made Levi glance to you annoyed.

Him blankly:

You, dumbstruck:
"Chickens?! Levi, talk with me in full sentences, where are chickens? Surely not in the front-yard. I didn't see any the other day and they surely wouldn't be able to survive all alone in closed cages all these years."

"The Survey Corps freed them, after they left the castle. Some of them adapted and are inhabiting this forest."

You nodded, slowly understanding now.
"So in the bushes?"


A tiny giggle slipped out.
"Like you and Hange a week ago?"

Levi glared at you in in devastation.
He paused thereafter and plainly added:
"But don't distance too much from me."

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