Value over feelings

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It was morning.

The previous night went by pretty calmly with Levi and you eating some of the food he brought and you making fun of the fact that you barely ever saw him consuming anything, except for tea, which made this occasion kind of special. You had watched him chewing on the crispy stuff, but he gave you a sceptical look after he noticed to ask you what the hell you were staring at. At that, you pretended to have waited for him to finish, so you could also have some of his food.

Since the cushions and blankets were soft and comfortable, none of you made a move to leave the living room. Therefore you spend your night there, just up until you woke up mere moments ago.
Glancing at the spot beside you with your arm checking the place, you realised Levi wasn't there anymore.

You stretched your legs and took a swing to get up and take a look around, but it made you realise he was indeed gone. That's why you pushed yourself out of the couch and went out into the corridor to enter the kitchen, scratching your head sleepily.

It seemed like a common thing Levi did. Not staying and tracelessly leaving, but it kind of always managed to bring you out of concept.

Your fingers brushed over polished oak, as you scanned the empty kitchen and lastly knocked on the bedroom door. Since no one answered, you opened to find the bed being vacuous as well. The last place you searched for him was outside. You hoped he sat somewhere by some bench, or linen-chair under the newly risen sun in front of the wild flowers he had planted, but only in vain.

You felt your uneasiness rising, so you turned on your heels to go in and finally call him by his name.
Didn't he know how anxious you got whenever he vanished like that? Maybe he should've simply left a note, that would've helped you immensely.

Before any word could exit your mouth to call him, you petrified at the sight of him in the corridor.
Your eyes widened with Levi standing there, only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Oh my god, Levi-", you gasped and immediately covered your eyes, a shiver running down your spine.

You couldn't see it, but he looked back at you blankly.
"I thought you were still sleeping.", he only stated, closing the bathroom door behind himself and turning to enter the bedroom.

Actually you couldn't say anything, though as you heard him walking away, you slowly uncovered your eyes.
There was a small gap in the door due to the fact he didn't close it entirely, at which you attentively went closer, hearing clothes being shed and new ones being taken out from the bedroom.

"You always need so long to wake up.", you heard a voice from inside.

You leaned back against the wall beside the room from outside, shutting your lids with a sigh.
"You scared the crap out of me."

"Calm down. Do you think there's someone who will hurt you here?"

You furrowed your brows.
"I'm not scared there could be someone here. I'm not afraid of anyone, I just didn't expect to see you just standing there in- actually without-", you spoke and stopped frustrated, feeling your face heating.

"Then why did you look so shocked?"

You with a frown:
"How am I supposed to react when seeing you half-naked in a towel? Actually anyone. How would you behave when being in a stranger's house and you're unsure what to do?"

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