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... "We're late.", was the only thing you were able to say ...

On the training field, you noticed him still holding your hand and took it away in fear.
All of the cadets were staring at both of you with huge, scared eyes, while Eren and you were waiting for your inevitable end.

You swallowed hard.
We are doomed, you thought.

From behind, Levi slowly walked toward you, his blue-grey eyes freezing your souls away.
Eren beside you was petrified like a stone-statue and you could feel him trembling.

"Yeager! (L/N)!", Levi yelled with his deep voice.
"You are late and I assume you have no explanation." His eyes narrowed. "Again."

"No sir.", you said instead of Eren.

He looked angrily at Eren, but didn't even cast you a glance.
Levi then went closer to him.
"Run.", Levi ordered coldly.

"Yes sir!", Eren responded with a shaky voice.

Now Levi slowly drew closer to you.
So close, that you could feel his warmth on your skin.
He glanced down toward your chest and then back into your eyes.
"Put your clothes on properly.", he said with a dismissive voice.
You glanced down and your head heated momentarily.
Rapidly you buttoned up your shirt, not being able to look at Levi again.

Ashamed you thought:
Did he think I had something with Eren?

"And you.", he said with slit eyes, his look pointing at you. "You're going to run until you fall.", he said with a frigid expression.

With that, he turned away and drew his attention to the others.

You wanted to cry now, but not because of the punishment.
You started running, feeling heat gathering in your head, cheeks and especially, your eyes.

After a couple of hours, you started ignoring the pain in your legs. You just ran.
Eren beside you did the same.


"Yeager!", Levi shouted.
Eren stopped and looked at him wearily.
"Go.", he said with a scathing look.
As Eren turned to do as ordered, Levi added: "... and clean all the bathrooms."

You continued running, while Levi stood on the side, watching patiently, with eyes lingering on you.
Your legs burned and your throat was so arid, that it hurt when air passed it. Your lung felt like recently stitched, so that every time it moved to get air, the threads did too, just through your bleeding flesh.
Your skin probably tried to sweat, but there was no water left inside of your body.

The sun, on the edge of the horizon, took a deep-red colour, while tossing its golden-yellow sunrays right into your eyes.
You tried to put your hand up a little, to stop the blinding, but you couldn't move it.
You were so weak, that now your legs refused to move, causing you to stop-fall in the middle of the field.


When you could see again, you were looking straight into somebody's face.
"L-Levi?", you croaked.

"Pshh.", he whispered softly.

Watching his face from down here, you saw how beautifully his skin gleamed in the sun. His plump downer lip was moist and had a little pinkish tone. Above that, his eyes were filled with soft light.

Your lie (Levi • Reader)Where stories live. Discover now