15. Defeated

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... But he was already gone ...

Today there was no training.
Levi and his squad were on a mission. Eren told me he wasn't allowed to tell me why and where they we going, so it had to be very serious.

After breakfast, I decided to take a walk in the city. It was sunny and cool at the same time. I liked it, because it wasn't too hot, but it wasn't too cold either.


When I got back, the group had already gathered. I joined them and perceived their tiredness. They seemed defeated, underwhelmed and sad, even.
Mikasa looked confused and stressed out.

Worriedly I whispered:
"Mikasa..." and put a hand on her shoulder.

She looked at me in anger and shook it off.
My eyes widened, when a thought entered my mind:
Where was Eren?

I spoke it out and everyone looked at me.
Armin's voice trembled:
"The-they have Christa... and... Eren..."

My breath faltered:
"What? Who?! Where are they?"

"Don't worry, we'll bring them back.", Levi said.
My anxious look turned to him and I gasped.
There was a long scratch on his face, which was still bleeding.

The group already turned to leave.

Swiftly I followed Levi.
"Levi, you need a bandage."

Him, unimpressed:
"I'm fine."

I took his wrist and pulled him determinedly toward the infirmary.
"You're still bleeding-"

He pulled his arm away and looked at me in disinterest.
"I said I was fine."

I frowned a little angry:
"Is it, because you think others deserve the medical attention more than you?"


Me, angry:
"Well, that's not true. You need some disinfectant, a bandage, some rest-"

Levi pulled himself out of my grip again and went toward his room.

"-and definitely some common sense.", I ended, saying it more to myself.

Then I turned around and left as well.
"Stupid man.", I cursed under my breath.


After half an hour, there was a knocking on his door.
"Who is it?", I heard an annoyed voice inside.

"(Y/N)", I returned.

Levi more annoyed:
"Go away."

I turned the doorknob and went in.
He looked at me in irritation, but I ignored it.
Then I went to where he sat and put the stuff I had taken from the infirmary on the ground.

"I don't need that."

Me, imitating him:
"Don't be stupid and admit when you need damn help, silly."

His expression darkened, but he stayed silent.
I grinned, because I had him now.
Quickly, I took a cloth and looked into his eyes.
His expression was marked by annoyance.
"I'll have to clean your wound.", I explained calmly.

He grunted in response, but didn't resist, when I started doing it.
Then I took another cloth and dipped it into the disinfectant. I was only going to go over the sides of the wound, so it wouldn't hurt that much.

During the whole time, I felt his icy stare on me. My pulse increased and I felt every beat of my heart.
I carefully brushed some of his hair away to have a better look and reach to the wound.
It is as soft as it looks, I thought and melted internally.

When I was ready, I looked pretty satisfied at him.
"You're done."


My good mood sank and I rolled my eyes, but smiled again.

He furrowed his eyebrows:

"Hm, yea, no. Not until you learn how to say 'thank you'."

"Go and clean the kitchen."

Me in indignation:
"What, but why??"

Levi monotonically:
"Just do it."

Me, pleadingly:
"Please, no..."

He looked at me unimpressed.

I sighed and went out.

From behind me I was sure to hear a small 'thank you' and swiftly turned around.
"What did you say?", my eyes shone, when I entered his room again.

"Go and clean the kitchen."

"No, no, what you said before."

Levi didn't respond, but as I started leaving, I seemed to observe a small smile on his lips.


It was late night, when I heard steps in the hallway, coming from the canteen.
I stopped scrubbing and tried to see better in the shadows.
At first, I wanted to call out, but decided to hide instead.
The persons shadow was tall and slim.
Probably a boy, I thought.

While leaning out of the corner slowly, I could see his cape. Military police. What did they do here?
I frowned and got closer, moving towards a table.
When entering the canteen further and further, I was almost only focused onto the shadow.
Suddenly some moonlight shone into his face.

"Jean?", I whispered more to myself.
He didn't hear me.
I moved closer and was so concentrated on him, that I didn't pay attention to a single fork on the floor.
He immediately turned around and so did I.
Behind a chair, I ducked down and hoped he wasn't able to see me. I pressed my eyelids together.

Then there were fast footsteps. He was running.

I got up and looked, but he was gone.
I decided not to follow him. Maybe he was searching for me, but then why in the middle of the night?

What was he even doing here?


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