25. Crush

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... More screams echoed through the darkness of the night ...

The small silhouette stepped forward and only the holy, emotionless expression of your annoyed Corporal was visible.

The shoutings immediately stopped and the recruits watched him in pure fear, not showing any reaction to the news of it not being an actual ghost.

Suddenly Hange somehow moved to him, being the only one talking. She slung herself around Levi's neck, who angrily looked at her and she said:
"Eyoooo, Levi! What's up? Can't come without a dramatic entrance, huh?", she chuckled loudly, clearly drunk.

"Put your dirty paws off of me, you lunatic.", he cursed and pushed her roughly away from him.

"Heheheh...", Hange has kept her smile and continued:
"Always there for the funny stuff."

You stared in amazement, wanting Hange to stop with all of this, but at the same time admiring her bravery.

Then Levi went to the log nobody sat on, which was situated almost right in front of you, while Hange followed.

"You smell like trash.", he commented blankly.

Your confusion grew with every moment passing.
Why was he here? Did he suddenly decide to just come, because his schedule had cleaned?

At once Levi's burning gaze lifted to you and you returned it shamelessly.
His eyes were so beautiful, as well as his dark, brownish hair, gleaming from the fire.

"(Y/N)", Eren's voice called out next to you and you turned around like suddenly being woken up from a nap.

"I saw you training today.", he exclaimed, voice slightly shaking.

What was he so nervous about?, you asked yourself.

"Well, most of the time I was running, if I'm honest.", you giggled in response.

Eren smiling:
"Yeah, I know. Thought that you might not be able to join us, because you'd be too tired like last time."
As he said that, you started concentrating on your actual body for a moment and suddenly felt all the tiredness and muscle-pains.

"Last time was...", you remembered the night you got back with Levi and then what happened in the canteen.
Suddenly a warm, pleasant feeling spread through your body and you couldn't help but look over to him a second time.
Just a glance and you saw his metallic-grey eyes still pointing at you.
Red flushed into your cheeks.

"(Y/N), you alright?", Eren beside you asked.

"Yes, I'm fine.", you turned to him again.

His expression slowly fell.
"I'm sorry, that I wasn't there for you the last week. I thought that it must've been pretty hard to just have to deal with the happenings so easily."

Your eyes widened minimally.
Was he talking about the incident?
"Eren, don't blame yourself for nothing, okay?", you took his hands softly into yours, still keeping eye-contact.
"Look, I'm fine, because I have you and all the others. You're always here for me and I thank you for that.", you smiled reassuringly.

Eren instantly blushed and looked away.
"Y-yeah, of co-course."

"Also, I was pretty busy the whole week. I have better things to do than focus on the sad moments. Besides, you have to consider, that I wasn't there when it occurred, different from a lot of other recruits here.", your eyes pointed intentionally at him and Mikasa.

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