60. I don't like sand

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...Feet led you out into the dark of the night...

You walked toward the shore of a lake nearby and sat down onto the soft sand with your look pointing up.
The light falling into your eyes caused a gloom to spread in them, covering your iris like a veil.

They widened at the sight of the luminous moon next to the distantly shining stars.
Their only neighbour was eternal darkness.

There was a profound calmness starting to reach out for you.

Your breath slowed, as this indescribable feeling spread through your tingling body.
At once, you felt bravery and determination fulfilling you to the brim and even tipping over it.

As you sat there, a hand suddenly touched your shoulder from behind.
You turned around and recognised Eren with surprise.


You then smiled softly in response, before he sat down beside you carefully.

In silence, your looks directed toward the sight up above both of you.

An obscure blue touched the earth and your surroundings at once, after a cloud moved past it.
And it did it in a way you had never seen before, because this peculiar brightness meet its opposite. The obscurity vanished.

The moment you saw them, you were already consumed fully.
Your (E/C) eyes set against these unexplainable colours of white, turquoise and soft purple in the most conflicting way possible.

"It's beautiful.", you only brought out.

Eren glanced to you in silence.

Your concentration flowed slowly over to him and you asked slightly curious:
"How did you know I was here?"

Eren's look nervously lowered.
"I... like to watch the stars..."

You were amused and switched the subject gingerly.
"Don't say you've ever witnessed a view like this one."

He smiled in overawe.
"No. I haven't. Only in Armin's books."

You gazed up, heart filled with fascination.
"Right? That's exactly what I thought."
You made a pause.
"Sometimes, when I look up, I think about what could lie beyond our view. Beyond the moon, the horizon, the landscapes, the walls..."

Eren turned to face you staggered.

"I want to go out.", you solely said.

Eren turned back, watching the sky.
After a while, he spoke:
"I wanted to go out since I could remember.", he said, as you listened quietly.
"There was just only this one obstacle in my way. The titans, and that's why I want to kill them all.
Because I believe in freedom. I know, that there's more to life, than being either eaten alive, or die in this shitty cage.", he clenched his fists unconsciously.
You were aware of him meaning every word.

"I want to free humanity from them, because if you don't oppose the enemy, what kind of worth does your life even have? If you don't oppose the world you live in, you die meaninglessly in it."
He paused.
"I know I couldn't do it before. I know I was too weak.", memories washed over him.
"But I was given these shifting abilities, and even if it actually was a coincidence, that wouldn't change anything. I'll use them to free humanity from its chains."

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