61. Meeting again

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...And now he strut in. He came back...

Your heart pounded, beating loudly.

He stood there, cold eyes fixated on you, while you returned shamelessly.

Your fists clenched against your will, but you still stood steadily on the spot, as he approached, drawing closer and closer.

He came back, you repeated in your mind.

And he did it so effortlessly.

Levi's emotionless eyes were looking into yours, before coldly moving to the figure behind you.

His steps came nearer and nearer and you grit your teeth.
When he was a just metre away, you were ready to respond to anything he would say.
You waited for a provocative comment, a word, for anything, that might come out of his mouth.
You had all the comebacks in your head and were ready to shoot back wittily.

But he continued walking.

And as he passed, you felt the blow of a tiny, perishing gush of wind on your skin.

With widened eyes, you stared forward to the entrance.
Your hair swayed back, brushing over your face softly as a consequence.
While Levi already left.
Without a word.

No remark about you being awake this late at night. No question about where you've been, why Eren was with you and no comment on any idiotic trifle.

You furrowed your eyebrows and turned briskly around, while Eren stared at you in flustered confusion.

You took his hand vexedly and went up the stairs with him being slightly agape.

Eren was taken aback.
"Oi, (Y/N)...", he brought out, as you rushed up, pulling him with yourself.


The next morning, you put your clothes on. Ymir was still asleep.
You tugged your pullover into the trousers and rolled your sleeves neatly up.
Then you brushed your hair with a wooden comb, before cleanly removing the hairs from it and throwing them away.

Ymir wearily:
"Eh, (Y/N), why are you up so early?"

You frowned, angrily putting on a pair of long, white socks.

"Don't be so aggressive with your clothes, they're innocent...", she smiled and laid her arms behind her head.

You didn't respond and continued with your doing, now nimbly zipping up your pants.

"What is it?", she grinned with half opened eyes.

"Nothing.", you grumbled silently, tugging the few strands of hair, which covered your eyes, behind your ear.


After Ymir was ready as well, you both went down.
Your look pointed strictly forward, pose and back set straight.

"You're straight as hell, (Y/N).", Ymir grabbed an apple from the pile.
"Can't claim that about me...", she mumbled, while taking a juicy bite.

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