Pyjama Chips

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Disclaimer: contains spoilers for chapters:
86 "That Day" (season 3 episode 21)
100 "Declaration of War" (season 4, episode 5)

Prussian blue flared against his empty walls, when he left the bed in order to fetch a fluffy cloth from the old, wooden rack he owned. His arm stretched after he tucked his closed hand into the sleeve of his coat, throwing it over his shoulder with a glance back.

There you were, sleeping soundly with the blanket over your upper body, that was snuggled into his warm pillow. And there was the place he left behind, that was valleyed as a lowered spot in the light quilts. It was deep night, therefore this instant was engulfed in a complete and entire silence.

From the corner of his eye, he took a moment to glance at you for just another time, your hair falling lightly into your calm face as your hands were brought together comely. Then he looked away and ended up putting on the clothes he needed, grabbing some keys from the top of a drawer on his way.

"Hey.", he suddenly heard behind him, a weary voice breaking the seemingly untouched tranquility.
"Where are you going?"

Levi haltered and his motions lingered. He glimpsed over his shoulder to see your head slightly lifting from the pillow. And despite of you appearing tired, you got up on the mattress to take a better look at him.

Levi stopped and took a step away from the door.
"Outside for a little."

Confused, you tilted your head with narrowed, sensitive eyes.

"I won't take too long.", he plainly added.

Rubbing your shoulder sleepily, you took a look out the dark window, before feeling yourself serenely waking up.
"Do you need any company?"

Levi's look remained monotone and he stayed silent for a moment.

At that, you pulled your legs out of the edge of the bed.
"Okay, then let me question differently, am I allowed to come?", you asked instead.

He hesitated.
"You really don't need to. Go back to sleep."

"Oh man, it's not like I'll be able to manage anyways.", you replied, getting up.

At the sight, Levi put the key into his pocket instead and reached out for your jacket, while you put on a thicker sweater to avoid shivering from outside's cool.
Then he extended the jacket to you, already opening the door for you both to get out.

But you paused by and picked up his stick, handing it over to him in opposite as well.
"Take this."

Levi eyed the object unimpressed.
"I don't need it."

As you raised a brow at him, you accepted the jacket he offered.
"You do, up until your foot is entirely healed."

"I'm fine.", he spoke half-lidded.
"I can already kick people again."

You annoyed:
"If you're able to move this freely, it surely shouldn't be a problem for you to take this small stick and carry it along with you."

"Tch.", he mumbled a little annoyed too, but accepted the stick, at which the both of you finally went out.

Crisp air fulfilled the nightly streets, stone-cold kerbsides vacuous with only those steps of yours perceivable. With his hands in his pockets, Levi concentrated on what laid forward, passing blocks and houses down the avenue of blatantly cozy neighbourhoods with your figure by his side.

"Do you always go out this late?", you brought out with a small whiff of warm air visibly exiting from your mouth.

His stick connected with the ground in quiet rhythm, as he spoke.
"I just wanted to take grab something I forgot at home."

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