75. What are you doing here?

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...Couldn't he have at least asked me for a paper towel?...

Wearily, you tried to keep your eyes open, while brushing over the edges of the spotless tables.

"The chairs as well.", Levi ordered.

You gave out half a sigh, half a lament, while sluggishly moving your hands towards the old, dark oak.

He then went to the counter and inspected the places you had finished with carefully.
Concisely, he looked under every corner and possible space in between the small gaps of the materials.
You already expected to hear critique, but he stayed silent, while solely observing.

"Levi...?", you brought out after a while.


"Can we go and sleep now?", you asked tired.


You pleadingly:

Levi expressionlessly:
"Stop whining. You don't have any training tomorrow anyways."

"Really?", right away you perked up.

He raised a brow at you, which literally said:
'Now you don't seem so tired anymore', after which you smiled softly in response.

He inspected the underside of the desk once more and glanced up to you.

Him monotonically:
"Fine. You're free."

You wiped over your damp scalp with a cloth and threw it over your shoulder contently.


Both of you went up and you simply continued walking alongside him, even after passing the girls-rooms.
Therefore he looked at you in question, but at that point you didn't even notice, due to your need for sleep. And so he kept his quiet.

You just straight up strolled to his room and waited in front of the door, as he opened it with a key, which he took out of his pocket.

Afterwards, you just wanted to fall into the bed and close your lids in soulful peace.

But before you could jump in, he stopped you.


You turned around to face him.

"You're filthy. There's no way you're sleeping in my bed in this condition.", he monotonically said, putting off the latex-gloves.

"Levi...", you begged. "Are you serious? I don't even have any clothes here to be able to shower. I can't just strut in and out of the rooms of sleeping recru-"

Levi opened his drawer, took a neatly folded black t-shirt out and offered it to you, along with a long towel.

You stared at him.
Is this for me?
I can't just wear that, can I?
That's his shirt...

Slowly, you reached out and took the handed out stuff, still unsure, whether he actually meant to give that to you for usage.
Just to make sure, you shortly turned around to see, whether there was somebody behind you.

Levi blinked sceptically.


In a hurry, you nimbly slinked to the bathroom and took a hot shower, which woke you up a little.
After being ready, you stared at the towel once again and shook your head slightly, before drying off and putting on his shirt.
It's larger than I thought, you remarked.
I could even wear it as a short dress.
At that thought, you had to smile for some reason.

Your lie (Levi • Reader)Where stories live. Discover now