From teal eyes

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With a giggle, you watched his rosy face avoiding eye contact with you and the scarf in your palm.

Your clacking steps speeded through the hallways with a tired echo trailing behind, while you were searching for someone you hadn't found yet. Because you wanted to talk to this person, and, so with a yellow flower in your palm, one, which had lowered its head, you ran.

Seeking his persona, you wondered why he hadn't approached you directly yet, though it wasn't important to you anyways. Happiness arose in you at the thought of him wanting to see you as well and for him also not being as mad at you as you initially and genuinely assumed.


Air was forced to leave his drained lungs, as he stepped onto the field situated near to the HQ. His legs had walked up wearily, before he sat down to look down. And he was quiet, his being contained no lividity, since it had escaped from him to ultimately leave.

The blue eyed boy stared out and the things, which occurred in closest time, passed his mind. He thought of what Commander Erwin had announced, as his own blue directed to the vacant sky.
How much time was left for him to live and how these few years should be the only thing remaining for him in the end.

He thought of how the people that kidnapped you came from the place situated behind the ocean.
And he couldn't get it. He sincerely couldn't believe that this should be it.
That this was the truth laying behind everything, the thing, which had driven him forward all these years, the thing, which was promised to him from day one. And it was all no different from what was here?

Could that even be called disappointment at this point?
Because he hadn't done anything for now. What did he see? What kind of change did he manage to establish with the incredible powers he obtained? He hadn't saved humanity, neither had he helped for it to move forward.
Did he even do humanity justice by now?


With your steps slowing, you went out into the windy weather hitting the trees tops vigorously into a distinct direction. That was when you spotted him in his pale pants and with his light shirt fluttering through the strong impact.

Wheat-blades swung to one side, as the wind whistled through the thin and thick branches of high beeches and pinewoods.
Eren sat just beside one of those outstretching giants, gazing forward with his empty expression. The sun's beams had became meeker over time, as fizzy clouds begun forming around the yellow ball from afar.

"Hey.", you walked to him and carefully sat down, while he still only concentrated on what laid straight forward. You felt weight pressing your chest down, as you narrowed your (E/C) hues painfully.
What is he thinking right now?, was what you asked yourself, though it didn't take much for you to guess.

Sitting beside him as the sky promised rain, your body ceased to move, except bring itself to breathe rhythmically similar to him. The hairs of your bare arms lifted at the cool sentiment of bottled freeze and a far floating smell of salt.
Whenever you were with Eren, you could somehow feel what he felt. It was weird, though you hadn't really asked yourself why.

With this emotion scrumping your ability of speech, you sensed the wheat grazing over your skin and the first tiny droplet falling onto you.
Somehow the air seemed encased with melancholy, so you concentrated on the small, black birds up above instead. A shiver rushed down your spine and you pressed your lips against one another.

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