28. Wrong daydream

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"What?", his gaze lifted until meeting yours

"I want to join you and Erwin.", you told him in determination.

Levi eyed you for a short moment, before turning back his attention to the papers.

You blinked.
"Hm.", you mumbled thereupon, observing his desk carefully and locking back eyes with him.

Levi's expression pointed unimpressed at you.

"Just give me a chance, Levi, I'll be helpful-"

"You'll be a burden.", he said emotionlessly.
Internally you had hoped, that he would've understood you. But he didn't.

You frowning:
"You know that's not true."

Levi coldly:
"It is and now get out."

You stared at him angrily, but before saying anything else, you paused.
You were going to join him and Erwin. No matter what, you had to find the person who did this.
Your fist clenched while staring straight at the ground and hatred filling your heart.
"Levi, I need to come with you...", you whispered.
"I need to, because..."

His eyes turned to you attentively.

"Because I have to find the human who is responsible for the murder.", you brought out with a dry throat.

He lingered at the side of his work-place for a moment.
"I said you're not going to, so you won't."

You pressed your lips together in frustration and stepped nearer.
"And what about the information I have from Hange?"

Levi's eyes narrowed and turned to you.
"What about it?"

You knew you needed to gain the upper hand on the conversation and bluntly said:
"I demand to join as a compensation."

Levi's facial expression instantly darkened and he grunted:
"What did you say, brat?"

You coldly looked at him.
"I'll come along as your part of the deal. I haven't spoken to anybody about it yet."

His brows furrowed in anger.
"You will get yourself killed, you brainless idiot."

"That's what you said last time as well.", you responded drily.

"Now it's different."

"I' ve proven, that I'm more than capable of taking a few of these criminals out by myself. I can use the 3DMG without any problems by now and have already been to a mission once. So what's the problem?", you unintentionally started getting louder, more persistently.

His burning eyes laid on you.
"You can't even attach your gear to a tree, so how are you supposed to escape these thugs?"

"That was because I was falling down from a height of over 30 metres!
And also, only my life's at stake. The worst that can happen is, that I die. And that's my own responsibility, so you and Erwin have got nothing to loose."

"We have, if your immature ass decides to press on without my order like last time with the Reiss family.", he coldly put out.

"I saved your ass back there and took the man down. Also, how does it matter? It's not like you show me in any form, that I've got any kind of value! To you, I'm an average, dumb recruit you're forced to spend your time with. God, you even seem annoyed at the alone look of me! So why do you care?", your breathing had become fast, heartbeat racing.

Your lie (Levi • Reader)Where stories live. Discover now