17. Hug

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... Eren, I'm coming ...

With a loud crash, I kicked the door open.
It revealed Eren, chained up and silenced. Down, there was, who I guessed was the 'real king' Hange told us about...

and Christa?
holding an injection in her hand?

My confused look lifted to Eren, who mourned something loudly, pointing aggressively down at them.

Christa, during this whole time, stared at me in shock. She seemed afraid and hesitated.

Me, confused and careful:
"Ch-Christa... What is going on?"

Christa hectically:
"What are you doing here?"

"We're here to save you..."
I looked down at her hand, which still held the injection tightly to her wrist.
"But what are you doing here?"

She looked at me in shock.

Her father angrily:
"Do it Christa!"
And stomped to her quickly.

Christa gasped, seemingly afraid and I frowned.
Swiftly, I grabbed the man's collar and forced him to look up to me.
"Don't touch her...", I hissed.

Christa, rapidly:
"No, no, it's alright, (Y/N), you can trust him...", she forcedly smiled and I pushed him away.
Then I stepped to her with an angry expression.
"What are you doing here, Christa?"

She smiled:
"I'm Historia Reiss and I am the rightful queen. With this injection, I'll save humanity from the titans..."
My eyes widened.
Behind me, Eren mourned something else and I turned to the man on the floor.
He looked at me stunned and I grabbed his keys. Then I sprinted to Eren and freed his mouth and afterwards his feet.

"Are you okay?", I asked him concerned in the meantime.

When I heard him, I couldn't believe what he was saying:
"No, don't, she needs to eat me, so that everything can be fine again! I-I don't deserve this power!", he sobbed.

My eyes noticed the happenings down, under us.
Christa's father had stood up again and started talking urgently with Christa.

"Eat you?", I asked confused.

Eren cried out:
"Only Historia can save us!"

I turned again and it clicked. I saw Christa, or Historia, taking the injection tightly into her hand and guiding it to her vein.
Without hesitating, I jumped down, hooked onto a column and flew into her direction.

With a strong impact, I kicked the injection off her hand and it broke into thousands of pieces.

Her dad stared at it in despair:
"NOOO!", he panted.

Rapidly I turned to Christa with an aghast expression. Her scared eyes widened and filled with sadness.
"I-I- what have you-", she stuttered and I clenched my fist.

Suddenly there was a rumbling, just as the others of the group entered the hall.
"Oh no."
All of them looked shocked.

Mikasa detached from the group and ran up:
"Eren!", she called desperately.

Levi rapidly guided us up as well:
"Go!", he called and we ran to Eren.
He wasn't fully unchained and needed some more help. The tears on his cheeks hadn't stopped flowing.

"We need to get out. Fast!"
Christa's father had started the titan transformation. Columns were already collapsing.

Suddenly, Eren grabbed a little bottle filled with something, bit his hand and ate it.


On the carriage, we stared at the huge monster far away, yet so near. A shiver went down my spine.
We needed to reach the walls, before it did and come up with a plan.

I looked to my side. Hange.
She wasn't alright.

Me, sad:
"Ouh, Hange...", I whispered and stroked her hair. "I'm sorry..."
A lot of us were wounded, but probably not as seriously as her. Luckily there were no more losses on our side.

I went back and sat down next to the others, while the horses kept galloping towards the gates.

With my head leaning on the palms of my hands, I sighed.
Then I felt a hand on my back and somebody sitting down next to me.
Quickly I looked up.

Eren, softly:
"Are you alright?"
I perceived tiredness in his brightly blue eyes.

"Of course. But what about you? What were you-", I stopped myself.
"Are you okay?"

He sighed as well.
"Yes, just a little head-ache."

I wasn't convinced:
"I'm sorry we didn't come sooner... It would've been a lot better, if you didn't have to go through... that.", I lastly said.

He stayed silent.

I'm so sorry, Eren, I thought and closed my eyes in anger.


Armin came up with a plan, which had a chance of success.
When turning my head, I saw the monstrosity of titan right next to us. People were attracting it. Inside of me I felt restlessness.

Then my gaze moved to the side and saw the group silently talking with each other.
For kids, they really knew how to keep a cool head.

Historia was fine as well as Eren, who sat beside (Y/N). They were talking to each other and I tried to listen.
"... I'm so sorry, Eren ..."

So she was blaming herself.
It was nobody's fault.
And it was stupid to blame oneself, since she obviously tried her best in saving him.

Suddenly he hugged her tightly and she embraced him back. Internally I flinched.
What was that?


Back in the city, not everyone got evacuated and was able to escape.
While some of the group tried to kill Historia's father, me and a few others raced through the air, trying to find the abnormal titans neck and cut it.

When clinging one of my gears onto a wall and pulling myself into this direction, a big piece of explosives hit me. I grasped for air, when being hurled to the side.
Roughly, I detached and fired my hooks into another wall, holding my arm tightly.
"Shit.", I cursed.

Under us, I heard a loud noise. Cheering and clapping.
I turned back and saw Historia having finished her dad's last remain and landing.

Loudly and proudly she announced:
"I'm Historia Reiss. The rightful queen of this kingdom.", she said with a determined look in the eyes.

I landed back on a house.
"Agh.", I whispered, before somebody landed next to me.

"Are you okay?"
And I recognised the person's voice immediately. Levi.


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