11. Boyfriend

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"...be on the lawn at 4 tomorrow..."

The next day I had extra training with Levi.
Sluggishly I pulled myself out of bed to meet him.
My eyes almost closed when putting on my clothes.
Why even? I surely wasn't the best recruit, but I wasn't the worst either.
I just want some sleeeeeeep, ugh.

On the lawn, Levi was already waiting.
Did this guy ever hear something about sleep?

He gave me a degrading look and I rolled my eyes. It wouldn't kill him to try and smile.
The title 'worlds strongest soldier' didn't entitle him to act like he was unable to have emotions all the time.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow:
"What are we going to do?"

"Fight.", he answered.

Him and I trained for about one hour and he always hurled me to the ground. Again and again and again.
I got angry and got up to my feet every time.

With gritted teeth I looked at him and wondered how the hell he was able to do this.
Was he some kind of messiah?
While trying to control the heavy breath of mine, I observed the ground more precisely. It was slippy because of the sand.

When we fought again, I tried to use the slipperiness to my advantage.
I pushed off the floor strongly and rushed to him, trying to sense in which direction he'd dodge. Left, right, left right....


And I grabbed his clothes, using my speed to bring him off balance and somehow push him to the ground.
But he took my arm in response and did exactly what I had planned with him, just with me instead.
I grunted when falling to the hard earth and unpleasantly lost my breath.

In less than a millisecond he was above me.
I furrowed my eyebrows when I looked up to his disgustingly confident expression.

"Isn't it annoying to always loose?"

Swiftly I grabbed his body and turned him to the ground roughly.
My eyes burned furiously.
"Shut up.", I grunted.

His eyes sparkled shortly.

Afterwards we continued.
"You need to not only concentrate on what you can do, but also on the options your enemy has in this moment."
Curiously I listened.
I think this was the first time he had said more than just a few words in a sentence.

The hours went by without me even noticing.
When the sun stood high enough to almost be above our heads, he stopped and leaned forward.
My breath was heavy and I sweated like no other time.

"Are we ready?"
Levi didn't turn to me.
He stayed silent and started walking away. I quickly followed after taking my towel.

He approached the training grounds on the other side, where I saw my mates already waiting.
Ooh no, more training?!

We walked slowly and he suddenly asked:
"Are you hungry?"

I looked at him in surprise and silently responded:
"Yea, a little."

Without looking at me, he pointed at the building with a nod:
"Then go."

Still surprised, I turned away and sprinted to the canteen, eating rapidly and moving back to train with the others.

In the evening I went back to my room and immediately fell asleep.

The next day
Late morning

I met the gang in the canteen and they started cheering and patting me on the back.
"What's going on?", I asked surprised.

"You're ranked on the 3rd place of your group, (Y/N)!", Eren shouted first and came to high five me.

I was surprised.
"Wh-at?", I asked.
Quickly Mikasa pulled Eren away and gave me a cold look.

"Yes, not bad.", she said and went to Eren's side, who still seemed pretty excited.
My smile was bright and I didn't even try to hide any happiness.
Finally I was in the Survey Corps! Well, almost...

Sasha with gleaming eyes:
"Will you stay here, (Y/N)?"

Me smiling:
"Of course! I would never leave you."

The whole group:
And they came to hug me, as I started laughing.

Conny was about to say something, when he rapidly jumped up and saluted, which everybody did after him.
I turned back to see who it was.

Levi casually walked past us.
"Be quieter."

"Huh?", Eren and the others looked confused too.
"What was that about?", they asked.

"Just the usual Levi.", I responded, looking after him.
Eren chuckled.

"(Y/N)!", I heard a familiar voice shouting.

"Jean!", I returned

Immediately I ran to him and put my arms around his tall body.
"Careful, you'll choke me-.", he laughed, while I pressed him to me.

"I'm so glad to see you again, Jean.", I said.

"Hey (Y/N), who's that?", Connie asked confused.

"That's Jean." My smile grew.
"And Jean, let me introduce. These are Conny, Sasha, Christa, Ymir, Armin, Eren and Mikasa."
When my finger pointed at Mikasa, his eyes widened.

"H-hey.", he stuttered, while his face became red.

My friends greeted Jean and he still stared at Mikasa. What was wrong with him?
Jean sat down on our table and we quickly got into a conversation.
They asked him a few things.
Jean told them, that he wanted to join the Military Police.

Eren, with a quick laughter:
"Is Jean your boyfriend or something?"

"Boyfriend?!", Conny jumped up.

Sasha completely random, with her mouth full of potato:

"What?!", I laughed. "No, he's my best friend and I am his, since ... always!" At the alone thought I had to laugh even harder.

Also, horse? What did that mean?

"Puh, haha.", Eren released a sigh.
"Would have been awkward if he were, hah.", he said with closed eyes and a grin.

I was confused: "Why?"
A strong red flushed into Eren's cheeks.
Jean strongly clapped onto Eren's back and sneered at him. "HAHAHAH Eren, as if (Y/N) would ever-"

"Shut up, idiot!", and Eren hit Jean's hand from his back.

Jean suddenly stood up, as well as Eren.
"Don't you ever touch me you stupid Survey-suicidal-kid!"

"You started yourself, idiot, and if you had even one useful brain cell, you'd know, that-"

Mikasa jumped in between both of them and parted them. "Eren, please stop..."

"Yea, stop Eren.", Jean repeated.

"You ugly horse face!", Eren stormed to Jean and grabbed his collar.

"I said don't touch me-!"

Mikasa loudly:
"Jean stop!"

He looked at her, grunted and stomped off.
My look was on Mikasa who ran to Eren.
He pushed her away and looked at me. I frowned at him and followed Jean.


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