Constant distraction

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Eren was clinging onto Connie's body for some reason and it attracted your attention. With a surprised look you neared them, a salver in your hands. "Guys what are you doing?", Mikasa petulantly asked, trying to peacefully get to eat her meal by the table.

"Let go, Connie, they belong to me." An angry jolt from Eren, but Connie still hadn't given up.

"How are they yours? They're for everyone here, you can't just take a double portion!"

"It's not for me you idiot. Guess what?", Eren grunted and pushed Connie's hand out of his face. "You and this gobbling, all-devouring creature right there-", Eren pointed at Sasha, who engulfed a whole doughnut at once. "Ate all the meatballs. I need to save some more for someone who hasn't arrived yet."

"At least Eren's acting like he used to again.", Armin whispered to Mikasa from sideways. She looked down at the spoon and remained quiet, consumed in thoughts.

"Only early birds catch worms.", Connie settled and stretched to catch the bowl that Eren held high up above his head.

"Guys.", Sasha walked in and raised her finger. "Those are very nice things you're saying."

"Connie, don't fucking touch me." Eren clenched his teeth and tried his best not to spill any of the bowl's containments, whilst pulling himself off from Connie's grip.

"Eren, you better step aside and share that stuff. Just because half of you is a fifty foot tall, fully-grown, masculine, clustered lump of testosterone, doesn't entitle you to receive more food than us.", Connie shot back, holding Eren's blouse in his fist and pulling it down with the intent to cause his friend to lower the hand holding the repast.

Sasha watched nosily, before deciding to entangle herself into this mass of limbs as well. She squeezed in and got caught up so that it squeezed her cheeks in too. "I fink you fud fop an fif gif thif fu me."

"What the hell.", Eren brought out, clearly him slowly getting to the peak of what he could handle when it came to human interaction and touchiness.

"Where two are fighting, the third wins.", Sasha proclaimed proudly after getting out and stretched her hand to etch for the bowl, upon which Eren raised his hand even higher.

Connie looked at her with a disturbed expression. "What in the world are you doing now? When will you finally become too fat to walk?"

"What am I doing?" She looked back at him puzzled. "Aren't you both telling each other sayings for fun?"

Eren furrowed his brows in irritation and tried to free himself.

Instead of remaining an observer, you approached attentively, before calmly placing the salver on the table. Upon spotting you from their periphery, they looked at you surprised. Eren directed his attention to you. "Hey.", he spoke.

"Hey.", you greeted and tried to ease the tension with a question. "What are you up to?"

Eren smiled at you warmly. "Look.", he brought the bowl forward you hadn't initially seen. "I kept that for you, because you were late for lunch."

"Simp.", Connie murmured and mustered him up and down half lidded, before receiving a hard thrust of an elbow against his jaw from the insulted brunette, who watched Connie almost fall to the ground, cowering in pain.

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