26. The dream

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You woke up in your soft bed, hugging your pillow tightly, mumbling:
"... no, please, no more rounds..."

Historia stood curiously in front of your bed, listening closely with a little chuckle now and then.

"Levi... no more..."
You frowned in your sleep.
"Thank you... huh? Can I... touch your hair? It's so... gorgeous..."

"Pahahahhah!", Ymir suddenly laughed maliciously and you instantly opened your eyes.

"Huh?", you loudly asked, blinking several times.

"Ahahahahahhaha!", Ymir laughed even harder, which made Historia frown.

With a small giggle, though trying to contain herself, Historia scolded her.
"Ymir- s-stop, that's-", she stopped, putting a hand before her mouth.
"-not polite-", and immediately shut her mouth, turning away from you to hide her laugh.

"W-what?", still tired you asked them.

Ymir couldn't get a hold of herself and held her hands on her stomach.
"Hahahahaha, (Y/N), you- hahahh, please, I'm not wondering why you're always tired. You're just... constantly dreaming of the trainings with the Corporal.", she stopped, making a pause for more laughter.
Historia then immediately ran toward the back of the room, opening the drawer to distract herself.

"-... and his soft hair of course!", suddenly Historia in the back of the room fell down and joined Ymir's laughter.

You were confused, but slowly caught up.
Did I dream of...?
You instantly blushed.
"Guys, I-"

They weren't listening and were way too focused on making silly jokes about you. Or at least Ymir. Historia just laid on the ground, rolling in amusement.

The red reached your whole face and you were convinced of looking like a tomato.

Suddenly the door slammed open and a person with an angry expression stomped in.
Levi in annoyance:
"Shut your fucking mouths, brats!"

Ymir and Historia were silent for a second, before looking at each other and laughing even harder.
You looked between both of them with a red face and then back at Levi, who seemed to be at the end of his nerves.
Embarrassed, you hid your face in a pillow and hoped it would be over soon.

Levi then marched in and silently enough for you to hear growled:
"Down. In two minutes. Clean the whole canteen until it's gleaming."
With these words he shut the door roughly and Ymir and Historia slowly stopped laughing.

Lifting your in the pillow buried face, you looked at both of them wearily.

Ymir glanced over to you, appearing like she was replaced with a cold-hearted-cool kid.
"Look what you did, Captain-dreamer. Now we'll have to clean the whole canteen."
Historia sitting on the ground giggled.

You stared at her in disbelief.
"I- What did I do?"

"You really had to be touching a man in your dreams, didn't ya? Just like yesterday night with Eren."

"I- What?!", heat flushed into your face.

Ymir mischievously:
"Oh oh."

Historia then quickly added from the side:
"Don't worry, (Y/N), you just fell asleep and were brought to our room afterwards."

You calmed down.

"After everyone dared Eren to kiss you."

"WHAT?", you shrieked louder than you intended to.

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