48. Anger

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⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️

... "Kill him.", he blankly said...

My breath faltered.
Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind and freed their man.
I had hesitated.

My eyes flickered.

Their hold on my arms was tight and strong.
Rapidly, I tried to get free and elbowed the guys' stomach hardly, making him grunt in pain.
The other one, who held my right hand, slapped my face mercilessly, causing my head to hurl to the side.
A hot burn was left with a pungent prickling following.

The bearded guy neared me and took his knife back, while my look was still lowered.
He put his finger under my chin, lifting my face up to look him in the eyes.
"Aren't so tough after being the one who gets hit, hm?"

All at once, I lifted my foot, hurled around, and kicked the guy to my right, making him skid to the ground.
My with odium filled eyes disappeared behind a spin, as I gave the guy on the left, who had slapped me, another good kick into his hideous face.

I stumbled back from the impact, but was immediately held firmly by another two and shoved to the ground.

The first one cursed exasperatedly.
He closed the distance between us.
"Where are you from? Where did you get the 3DMG from, eh?"

Out of nowhere, his hand rushed forward, grabbing my throat and pressing my head into the dirt.
He choked me, as I tried to fight the men holding my hands back pointlessly.
The guy smirked.
He smirked filthily.

"You're not too nasty, when you're silenced and still. Be a good girl...", he mumbled, as my face started taking a more and more red tone.
Nonetheless, I kept the eye-contact, detestably glaring back at him with all the hatred brimming inside of me.
His grip tightened, as he bent his head down, making me evade his face.
"You're from some Corps up there, aren't you? They warned us about your dirty asses coming down to catch us. Heh.", he sneered.
"Wouldn't have expected it to be a little girl."

Then his hold loosened the slightest and I momentarily took a deep breath.
"You don't look too bad either..."
The guy's head turned and all I heard, was dirty laughter.

My heart started pounding, when realising.
Bleakness expanded through my body, when I felt the man nearing me once more.

His cold knife set on next to my eye and traced slowly down to my throat, stopping at my neckline.
My chest rose uncontrollably, as panic started consuming me.
Please don't, please don't...

My eyes widened and my breath quickened.
The guy toward me laughed, the others joining spitefully.
"I'll go first.", the bearded one growled.
"Hold her tight."

I pushed myself away from him with my feet, but was immediately pressed back by the two squeezing my arms.
With fright, I observed his greedy look.

"No, no, no, no!", I whimpered.

"Shut up, bitch!", he ranted.

I felt hot tears wanting to reach my eyes.
"No...", I flinched.

With a swing, he punched my face.
Afterwards, his hands started touching my neckline.
I pressed my lips together, as well as my eyelids, while freezing shudders went down my spine.
He didn't bother to undo my buttons, instead, he tore the whole shirt open, revealing my bra.

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