86. To be happy for you

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...It was beautiful...

You were still preening the corners of the room, when Levi entered, only that he seemed clean again this time.
He wore new clothes and you observed that his hair was still slightly damp, so you guessed he had taken a shower.
Levi kneeled down next to you and then wordlessly started wiping the flour-strewn tiles with a rag.

A slight smile embellished your lips, as you moved on to polish the trashy work-place filled with rests of food.
Just now you looked at the table you both had worked on and, to your surprise, you noticed, that a whole egg was still left. With a glance over your shoulder to look at Levi, you came to realise, that he didn't take the offer of receiving an advantage.

"What are you staring at, idiot?", he then flatly asked, tearing you out of thoughts.

You instantly woke up and turned away.
"I-um, I just thought that...", you lingered for shortly and afterwards let out a sigh.
"Okay, fine!", you finally decided to give in and smiled a little while saying so.
"Your mekizas were for some reason... really good."

Levi eyed you cautiously.

You wiped over the big table with a cloth as you spoke.
"How did you even get the idea with the tea? Are you sure, you've never made them before?"


You smiled in response.
Him and his blunt, short replies, you thought, while he still looked at you a little confused.

You turned to Levi to watch him curiously as you asked:
"What do you want to get for your victory?"

Him carefully:
"You mean what I win?"

You nodded eagerly, while thinking:
He played fairly, even though he didn't need to, so he definitely deserves to receive something as a sign of praising this choice of equality.
Your lively eyes laid on him, who silently kneeled on the gleaming oaken-floor.

Levi thought for a couple of moments, before bluntly stating:
"You don't have anything useful for me."

You gasped, before attempting to shrewdly return:
"Bet I have! I can be practical in a lot of situations, for example- for example... uh-", you slowly frowned.
"Well, I could do something for you, which would lead to you having more spare time. For example, I could cleanse for you.", you concluded.

Levi looked down to your hand. As you turned your eyes toward the rag in your fingers, you noticed how crumbles were falling off of it, because you hadn't paid any attention.
"Oh!", you exclaimed, before quickly putting it back on the table.

Levi raised a brow.
"Cleaning you say?"

"Pff. It doesn't even have to be exactly cleaning.", you reluctantly gave out.

Levi sceptically:
"Why do you even want me to have another favour on you?"

"Another?", you repeated what he said in mild perplexity.

Levi blankly:
"This is the 2nd time I beat your ass in a bet."

"Huh?", you raised a brow as well.
"When was the other time?"

"In my office, when I told you I'd get everything clean, while you complained about something over the entire time."

"About something?", you asked annoyed.
In your thoughts:
Oh wow, great how he listens to me this carefully and with so much interest.

Levi straight out:
"I won."

You agitated:
"No you didn't, because we left in the early morning to arrive at the underground and I didn't get the chance to check up on everything. How am I supposed to know, if it was truly polished spotlessly, if I didn't see any of it?"

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