Chapter 80: Turn of Trust

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Timidly getting out of their seats like children being released from a time out, the brothers walked upstairs while Lain covered her tear dropping eyes alone in the living room.

On the steps up, Nickolas slapped Nelson one more time as he held back his own tears from the relationship he had ruined. "Why'd you say yes?!" He shouted extremely quietly into Nelson's face.

"I-I dunno Nick. I'm sorry." Nelson threw his hands up before Nick pinned him against the stairway wall.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it! Everything was going fine until you blurted your answer out! Do you know how much more complicated you've made this?! Now she knows for certain that we're up to something about them?!"

But the youngest brother didn't respond. Instead he stood there puzzled himself. He didn't know why his first reaction was to expose them. But at the same time he knew it was the better option to go with. Not that his brother would agree. "Nick I-"

"Don't even bother talking Nelson." Nick released his grip harshly from his brother. He could already see the excuse brewing in Nelson's eyes. He didn't want to hear any of them.

As Nickolas marched up the rest of the stairs alone, Nelson stood with his back against the wall listening as his brother faked a smile and wished the girls goodbye while Lain's sobs echoed in the background.

Before Nelson even had the chance to compose himself, Nickolas was already walking back down the stairs. Scowling his brothers way, Nick only paused momentarily as he said. "I'll tell you if they reply." Before he walked off.

Hearing him attempt to say his farewell to Lain, the woman only pushed him away. Hearing the front door open and then slam shut, Nelson sighed. 'Could this have turned out any worst?' He thought to himself.

"Nelson?" He heard his name called from the top of the stairs.

Looking up at his sister, Nelson pushed himself off the wall as she stumbled to find his balance. "Oh Nina," he wiped his eye. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Not long. I was just going to come see if you were leaving. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah...everything's fine. I was just coming up to tell you guys goodbye now actually."

"I'm surprised you and Nick didn't come up together. The girls thought you left without saying goodbye."

"Never." He said as he walked up the rest of the stairs. "Where are they anyways?"

"They're all in Lauren's room."

Nodding his head, Nelson headed in that direction. Seeing them all huddled together on the floor with tears streaked down their faces, the girls jumped the moment they spotted Nelson. Running over and embracing the man, they didn't want him to leave.

"Stay." Kaila said into his chest.

"I'm sorry. I can't. But I'll see you girls soon enough." He tried not to break down in front of them knowing it would only make their separation harder.

Hugging onto the man tighter the girls didn't want to let him go.

After letting them enjoy the moment for a second longer Nina sighed. "Alright girls, it's time to let Uncle Nelson go back home now." She said as her girls rushed to curl into her embrace to cry the rest of their sadness out.

"Thanks for having me over N, I'll see you later." Nelson said as he reached over the crying girls to give his sister a hug as well.

"Are you sure you're alright?" She whispered into his ear.

Feeling himself getting choked up Nelson just nodded. "I'll see you another time." He sniffled.

Breathing deeply Nina could tell something bothered her brothers. But she didn't want to pry. "Bye Nelson." She said into his ear.

Pulling away one last time, the man couldn't bear to face the sight in front of him. Waving one last time at the girls, he slowly walked away.

Gulping as their sobs got softer, Lain's became more apparent. Seeing her curled on the couch downstairs he was about to walk past her, but she grabbed ahold of his arm. Looking up with her red stained eyes she asked one last time. "Please tell me Nelson."

"Lain, I can't. Nick-"

"Nick isn't here anymore. Come on Nelson you can tell me." Her guilt had sunk in to a point of pain. She knew Natalia had a hidden fear of her relationship with Nina. Seeing the toxicity that was her family, Natalia didn't want Nina associated with Lain when they were girls.

Even after an attempt to change their minds, Natalia feared the toxic air would eventually make its way into Nina's heart.

And that's just what Lain feared to be the truth.

After the size of the last incident with her mother, Lain knew Natalia would be more worried than normal. Then when Nickolas and Nelson first showed up, she couldn't help but allow her guilty feeling to brew.

Over the course of the week, she fell deeper into a state of uncertainty. And now that her only opportunity to get answers was escaping her reach, she didn't want to miss out on this shot.

But Nelson was as stubborn as they come. While he may be gentler than Nick, he still shared the same sense of stubbornness. Only saying what needs to be said and holding back the rest.

The look on his face said it all. He wasn't giving in. He wasn't even going to try. Nelson's frown grew in size despite his decision.

Throwing him out of her grasp, Lain wiped the tears from her worried eyes away in big motions before pointing to the door. Not daring to look at him, she waited until she heard him sigh followed by the sounds of the front door closing for the final time.

As his engine could be heard leaving, Lain didn't say anything. She curled into her own fears as she struggled to make sense of the situation.

At this rate she wished Nelson hadn't said anything at all.

At least that way she'd be able to sleep at night.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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