Chapter 75: The Trust We Hold

Start from the beginning

"That's fine. We'll meet you at the center in two hours." Nick said as he and Nelson wandered off into a nearby store.

"Two hours!" Lauren exclaimed as her mouth gapped wide open. "Mama you said it wasn't going to be long!" She complained as passerby's glanced at the small family strangely.

"Let's use our indoor voices sweet pea." Lain said firstly not wanting to get any unwanted attention as Lauren huffed in response.

"None of that now, two hours isn't that long. You girls will be too busy looking at all the clothes that time will fly by." Nina said optimistically.

Hoping that the woman was right, Lauren kept a hold of Lain's hand as they traveled through the mall into their first store.

While her wife and two girls were looking for clothes in a nearby area, Nina noticed Kaila hadn't been looking at all. While Lauren found the clothes as a distraction from everything going on around her, Kaila couldn't help but get caught up looking at the people walking by.

"What about this?" Nina asked holding up the millionth piece of clothing to Kaila. But before her eyes even looked at the shirt in her hands, the small girl shook her head.

Sighing Nina dragged Kaila into another section of the store quickly. One that was less crowded and had an empty aisle in the back. Without any goods to display, Nina knew this would be a good place for some privacy.

Kneeling down in front of Kaila she grabbed both of the little girls hands as she spoke in a low and soft voice. "Sweetheart I need you to look at me." She asked waiting until their eyes locked. "Nobody here is going to hurt you. I promise."

"But they might..." her voice quivered as it trailed off and her head anxiously looked around to check her surroundings.

"Baby, mommy and I can't keep you locked away in the house forever. We want to be able to take you out to places with us. But we can't do that if you're always scared about being around others."

"Sorry." Her little girl mumbled as she felt like crying. She felt guilty being afraid of the unknown. Letting the tears drop down her cheeks she dropped her head.

Pulling her girl into a firm hug, Nina lifted Kaila onto her hip as she rocked her soothingly. "You don't have any reason to be sorry honey, it's not you're fault. But mama just wants you to know that as long as you're with mommy and I, nobody is going to lay their hands on you. They won't even get close."


"I promise that nothing bad will happen to you Kaila." Hiding her tear soaked face into Nina's neck, the pair waited in the back aisle until Kaila's tears ceased.

As her breathing evened out and the tears stopped Nina finally asked. "Are you ready to meet up with mommy and sissy's now?"

Nervously nodding her head, Nina put Kaila down before grabbing hold of her hand tightly as they regrouped with the others.

As Lain was browsing around, both Lauren and Faye were stuck together as they looked at clothes off to the side.

"Go on and look." Nina encouraged trying to ease Kaila towards her other girls. Seeing the anxious look on Kaila's face, Nina smiled gently. "It's alright. Mommy and I are right here." She said assuringly. "I'm watching you."

Gulping as the woman's fingers slipped out of her grasp, Kaila walked over to Faye and Lauren quickly. Immediately both girls began engaging in conversation with Kaila, but that didn't stop her from looking back every other second to make sure the couple were still in view and checking on them.

Seeing Lain proudly waving at her, the ends of Kaila's mouth slowly lifted up as she waved back. Turning to look at the clothes with the other girls, the couple were able to get their shopping done in half the time with everyone spread out.

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