Chapter 35 -Nightmares And Art Supplies-

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(Esme’s POV)

I woke up as the first sunrays made their way into our bedroom and illuminated the bed in particular. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. The warm sunrays already promised a great day and I smiled in anticipation. I swung myself of the bed in a good mood and grabbed my morning gown just on the way out. I wanted to find Carlisle before he had to leave for work, so I eagerly rushed to the stairs and was just about to take the first step when I noticed Carlisle sitting slumped in his office chair. Hadn’t I known better, I would have thought he was sleeping the way he sat there with his eyes closed. I patted silently to the open office door and peeked inside curiously. I at once noticed that Haven was in here with his father. He lay awake in his cradle and babbled happily. I smiled at my two men and leaned against the door frame. “Carlisle?” I asked tentatively. He opened his eyes at once in surprise and I thought I could detect a bit of terror in his expression as well. But why would there be? I shook my head and the next second I looked at my husband, he smiled genuinely at me and I swore the first look was only a figment of my imagination…

“Good morning,” he smiled and got up from the chair in a swift move and hugged me close. I leaned on his shoulder. “What time do you have to go?” I asked as I peeked at the clock in the corner. “Around eight, the first lecture is at 10,” he informed me and reluctantly let go. “Then we still have time,” I said enthusiastically, conjuring a chuckle from Carlisle. “About an hour,” he laughed. “Better than nothing,” I smirked. “Esme…”he began and looked down. I waited for him to continue with what he wanted to say which apparently caused him much distress. “I need to tell you something important,” he began tentatively. I was surprised by the turn, but he had acted off for a while, maybe that was the reason… “Go on,” I encouraged him with a smile after a minute. Unconsciously his hand found mine and I squeezed it encouragingly. “I just want you to know that this is not the end of it and I know I should have told you way earlier as soon as I had known myself but I didn’t want to upset you. I know it’s not an excuse but…” he rambled on. “It can’t be that bad, can it?” I smiled to calm him down, but his serious, troubled expression told me something different. “Carlisle?” I asked with alarm and held his hand firmer. “Don’t be afraid,” he begged and engulfed me in a hug again. “I’m not…afraid… Do I have a reason to?” I asked, totally confused and alarmed. Even I could hear my heart beating furiously against my chest… “Shh,” Carlisle tried to calm me down with rocking us softly from side to side, but even if it calmed me somewhat, the thoughts didn’t change because of it. “Please tell me,” I begged. “Eleazar told me that…”

“Mommy…Daddy…?” Carlie asked quietly. We both spun around when we heard our daughter’s voice. She stood in her white pajamas in the door frame and her face was tearstained. I let go of Carlisle and scooped Carlie into my arms. She started crying even more in my arms, but cuddled close. I stroked through her blond curls and rocked her softly. “Did you have a nightmare?” I asked her. Carlisle still stood where I had left him with an unreadable expression. It was a mixture of relief and disappointment mixed with sadness… Carlie didn’t answer the traditional way instead she used her own way of talking and showed me her emotions. It was clear that she had again dreamed we weren’t with her anymore. It had been the same dream ever since the Volturi’s visit. Our daughter couldn’t forget the pictures and events. Edward often told us that the one of me was the most prominent as I had nearly died before her eyes… “That won’t happen, sweetie. Never in a million years,” I promised solemnly and I could have sworn I saw Carlisle wince at my response. I looked at him questioningly, but he occupied himself with Haven… “I make breakfast then,” Carlisle said all of a sudden and already rushed out of the room. I looked confused after him. I hope he’ll tell me what is on his mind… I thought. “Breakfast sounds good, right?” I asked Carlie, smiling at her even though I didn’t feel like smiling right now… She nodded timidly. I kissed her cheek and held her close. I walked with her to the cradle and got Haven. “Let’s see what Daddy has conjured up for us,” I smiled. I held Carlie’s hand as we slowly walked down the stairs. “Thank you,” I smiled as Carlisle put a dish on the table with a smile. “You’re welcome.” Carlie enthusiastically dug into her breakfast. I fed Haven while eating myself. Carlisle watched me and at the same time held Carlie’s hand as she babbled.

“What was it that you wanted to tell me earlier?” I asked Carlisle as he collected his things and put them into his bag. “I…” “Good morning,” Rosalie cheered and hugged me with a huge smile. “Today is a great day,” she laughed and lifted Carlie into her arms and swirled her around. “What’s up with you?” I laughed. “Just one more day and Emmett takes me to a surprise trip,” she cheered. “I didn’t know that,” I said and looked to Carlisle but he too only shrugged. “He told me last night, but he won’t tell me where we are going. That doesn’t matter though, I am just happy,” she smiled broadly and kissed Carlie’s cheek. Carlisle smiled at our daughter while he closed his bag and grabbed his jacket. “Are you coming with me?” he asked Rosalie on the way to me. I hugged Carlisle and kissed him chastely. “Yes, just let me grab my bag,” she sang and let Carlie down. She looked after her big sister with awe and then babbled happily and hugged her father’s leg. “Hey, sweetheart,” he laughed and swung her up into his arms. He placed kissed all over her face which made her laugh even more. “Daddy,” she giggled and tried to keep him from kissing her by putting her tiny hand on his mouth. “Carlisle…” I began a second time. I knew it was something very important that he wanted to tell me… He looked from Carlie to me and all the joy disappeared from his features. “I’m ready to go, Carlisle,” Rosalie called from the hall. Carlisle sighed, held me close and placed a small kiss on my forehead. “I’ll tell you as soon as I am back,” he promised. He gave Carlie back to me, kissed her, Haven and me a last time and disappeared into the hall. “There you are,” Rosalie laughed and I heard the door quietly closing behind them.

“I wish I knew what he wanted to tell me,” I sighed and kissed Carlie’s curls. I looked to Haven in his baby bouncer, but he was sleeping soundly to his lullaby playing. “How about a bubble bath?” I asked Carlie. “Yes,” she answered enthusiastically and clapped excitedly. “Okay then,” I laughed and let Carlie down. I carefully unbuckled Haven and carried him upstairs with Carlie. As I stepped into the bathroom, Alice was standing in front of the mirror. “Good morning,” she greeted us cheerfully. “Good morning,” I greeted back and set Haven down in another baby bouncer that I left in our bathroom for a relaxed bath. Carlie let go of my hand and tippytoed to her rubber ducks in the corner of the bathtub. “Have you seen Rosalie this morning?” she laughed. “Oh yes,” I laughed with her. “It’s still a rare sight,” I giggled. Alice nodded. I sighed. Alice turned around with a worried expression. “Did Carlisle talk to you?” she asked. She seemed to regret her words instantly as she saw my surprise. “No, he wanted to tell me something though. We were always distracted,” I admitted. “Do you know what he wanted to tell me?” I asked curiously. “Mommy,” Carlie patted my leg as she pointed to the bathtub in impatience. “Just a moment, Carlie,” I told her and she sighed.

“I… I totally forgot to pack my art supplies, I need them today or I can’t finish my painting,” she said all of a sudden and rushed out of the room. “Great, just great,” I sighed and sat down on the edge of the bathtub. “It’s like everyone is avoiding my questions,” I groaned. Carlie again patted my leg, but this time looked much more determined to get my attention. “Okay, sweetie,” I smiled and let warm water into the bathtub. “Should we find you a nice outfit?” I asked her and got up. She nodded and already ran out of the room. “Wait,” I laughed and hurried after her. She was already in her room when I rounded the corner. I entered the nursery and she held up a yellow sun dress with a big smile. “It’s a big cold for that, sweetie,” I told her. Her eyebrows knitted together. “But what about this one?” I smiled and showed her a yellow winter dress with long sleeves and put the fitting tights already with it. Her face lit up and she nodded. “Okay, then let’s get into the bubbly water,” I said and she again toddled ahead, but this time I caught up and held her hand as we walked back into the bathroom.

Poor Esme, nobody wants to tell her ;)

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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