Chapter 41 -Calm Before the Storm/Part 2-

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I heard the door opening right then and stumbled right into Carlisle’s arms. My sight was blurred by the tears as I looked up into Carlisle’s face, but I could see the tears in his eyes as well. “I came as fast as I could,” he whispered as Alice slowly walked into the hall as well.

“Do the others now?” I croaked.

“Yes, I’ve told and them, Edward and Bella are on their way, we still need to tell them though,” Alice replied.

“Oh God,” I sobbed and Carlisle protectively hugged me to him. He laid his head right on mine and I could sense that he tried to be strong for me, but his hold was slipping as we all realized the extent… “What are we going to do?” I asked.

“I really don’t know, they are already coming in a bit more than a week,” Alice answered gravely. She stood still at the doorframe, her arms crossed in an attempt to soothe herself. I let go of Carlisle and opened my arms for her. She hugged Carlisle and me a second later and we could hear her sob as well.

“Hi,” Jasper mouthed sadly as he appeared next to me a moment later. I looked up with a small smile and he hugged me and Alice as well. Emmett hugged Carlisle and me a second later as well. I embraced him just a bit tighter as I sobbed and he laid both his arms around me as if to protect me from all evil of this world…

“Carlie and Haven should be safe and don’t know about all of this,” I whispered and looked up to Carlisle.

Jasper and Emmett let go, though Jasper still held Alice and Emmett still stood close to me. Carlisle again pulled me closer and then sighed. “Some of us should try to run and keep the kids safe as long as we don’t know how it will end…” he murmured.

“They would have to run their entire lives, Carlisle. I don’t want that for our children,” I whispered and new tears formed as the truth of my words settled in my heart. It was about to break just at the thought…“They can’t stay with any of our family…” I added with deep grief. I could see Carlisle’s heart shattering as he too realized it.

“Carlie and Haven deserve more than a life full of fear and running,” he whispered in consent.

“They deserve a normal childhood and we can’t give it to them if the Volturi are constantly watching over us, poised to kill. We might not even survive this time… I want our children to be safe and happy,” I choked out. The words felt like weights pulling both us down with each one uttered…

“What does that mean?” Emmett demanded as he realized the meaning behind our words.

“Carlie and Haven won’t stay with us,” I explained, each word stabbing my heart just a tiny bit more…

“No, Esme…Carlisle,” Edward suddenly said. Carlisle turned around and I too could see Edward and Bella standing in the door frame.

“What other choices do we have?” Carlisle asked heartbroken.

“Every! We fought for Renesmee, too. We can fight for Carlie and Haven as well,” he argued. Bella stood still behind Edward with a confused expression.

“What is going on?” she asked. She looked from Edward to the both of us and then at everyone else.

“They are coming?” she asked gravely. I nodded sadly.

“They want to give them away,” Edward told her angrily.

“Edward! It breaks my heart to even consider it, but we cannot choose the way that feels the best for us, we need to think of their wellbeing. And it’s better for them to not be with us,” I said, angry as well. He made it sound like we wanted to give our own children away…

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