Chapter 32 -Dream a Happy Dream-

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That evening I had prepared everything before Carlisle came home. He had called me that it might take longer after all because he still had an emergency surgery, but I didn’t mind. The children had taken Carlie with them to stay at Edward and Bella’s for the night, so that only Haven was here. Our little guy changed his sleeping habits fast in the two weeks; he actually slept through for nearly five hours until he needs feeding. And I was so grateful for that. Carlisle and I haven’t had any time alone for nearly four months or so. It was definitely too much time…

It was already getting dark outside when I positioned candles all over our bedroom. Haven gurgled and squealed on our bed as he played with a toy. Half an hour to go until Carlisle gets home… I lay the lighter on the drawer so that I wouldn’t forget it and then looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed and combed through my curls with my fingers without a use. I took the brush and combed through them carefully. Haven started crying and I picked him up and rocked him softly on the bed. His eyes drooped as he tried to keep his eyes open to watch me. I tipped his nose and smiled. He smiled as well but yawned hugely. “I think it’s time for bed, sweetheart,” I laughed lightly and got up with him. Haven’s nursery still wasn’t finished yet, but he was sleeping with us anyway, but tonight he will sleep in Carlie’s nursery. I lay him down in the cradle and turned on the soothing music. “Sleep well,” I whispered and kissed his cheek. He whined but calmed down when I started humming to the melody. Slowly his eyes closed and he slept. I smiled and sighed. “Time to get ready,” I smiled and took a shower.

I fidgeted with the night gown in front of the bedroom mirror. It concealed the more revealing clothes beneath it and that is how I wanted it to. It should be a surprise for Carlisle. He didn’t even know that we were alone this night. Just when I decided that the night gown wouldn’t do as I wanted, I could hear the door opening downstairs. I stayed in the bedroom to surprise him as soon as he gets in here. Carlisle walked up the stairs, but instead of going in my direction, he went straight into his office. I frowned and quietly tiptoed to the door and peeked outside. The door to his office was half way open but I still couldn’t see anything. If he isn’t coming to me, I am coming to him I thought and tiptoed out of the bedroom. I felt the excitement building up inside me and I took a deep breath before I opened the door slowly. I smiled hugely and prepared myself for his look.

But my face fell when I saw Carlisle. I hadn’t prepared myself for that… He sat slumped into his chair, his hands covering his face. Sobs vibrated through his body. I closed the distance between us, everything else forgotten and kneeled in front of him. I touched his hands and it seemed to wake him up. “Oh, Esme. I haven’t heard you coming in,” he mumbled and instantly tried to hide what I had just seen, straightening up and smiling at me. I frowned. “Carlisle...” I began. He closed his eyes when he heard my voice and squeezed my hands just a bit tighter. “What is wrong?” I asked softly, still sitting before him. “I… just had a tough day,” he sighed as he tucked on my hands and I sat on his lap. He nuzzled his face in my hair and breathed in deeply. I knew Carlisle had no reason to lie to me, but it was still odd. Ever since New Year’s Eve… I shook that thought away and shifted so that I could see his face.

“Do you want to tell me?” I asked quietly. “Do you remember the little child that was taken to us?” he asked. “Yes,” I told him. I hadn’t seen the child clearly, but he was the patient Carlisle had just before I left again… “He didn’t make it… He had too severe injuries…” Carlisle told me softly. “Do you know what has happened to him?” I asked him. The boy couldn’t have been older than 5 years old. “A car hit him. The driver hasn’t even seen him…” Carlisle replied. A deep sadness hit me as well at his words. The parents will most probably never recover from the loss…

“I’m sorry,” I replied quietly and lay my head on his shoulder. “It’s okay. It was just a very emotional moment,” he murmured against my hair. “Isn’t it always that way working with children?” I asked him after a moment. “That is why I favor working with adults. The loss of a child is always more of a reminder to how unjust the world can be as well.” I cupped his cheeks in my hands and kissed him softly. “I know,” I sighed. I tried to make him feel better and kissed down his neck. I kissed the very spot he was ticklish and I earned the expected reaction. He laughed and revengefully tickled me as well. We both laughed until Carlisle leaned down and kissed me again.

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