Chapter 15 -Halloween-

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Two weeks have flown by already. Edward and Bella had flown to New York City with Renesmee for watching the Grinch at Broadway. She loved her birthday present fervently and had called us often to tell us how much she enjoyed it. They would return this week so we still were three persons short at home. Alice had transformed the attic into a studio for designing her and Jasper’s costumes. She would be Alice, inside joke there, and Jasper was the mad hatter. From what I’d seen they look fantastic! Carlisle and I were still not so sure and postponed the costumes for now. One reason was that it was time to go to work again in Carlisle’s case. The break was over and the new semester started, so he would be gone half the day again. I was of course sad not to have him around 24/7, but I didn’t show him that. He had a hard enough time leaving us home. He talked about quitting so often, I really thought he would do so in the morning. I protested and had told him that he loved his job and that his students needed him. He wasn’t so convinced but gave in. He was of course worried about leaving me alone at home in my state and with Carlie.

“We’ll be fine,” I murmured and stood on my tiptoes to kiss Carlisle once more properly as we stood at the door. I lay my hand on my stomach and held Carlie’s with the other. “But no one is home,” Carlisle tried to argue one last time. I sighed. Leave it to Carlisle to try and convince me when he was already standing on the front porch… “I know that and I have told you all that it would be fine. “It is only for a few days anyway. Rose, Emmett, Jasper and Alice will return around midday and Edward and Bella will be here in a few days so that I wouldn’t even be alone for those few hours,” I argued right back. “I know, I know,” he sighed and kissed me again. Rose and Emmett had started college as well a semester after the rest. Rosalie studied medicine and would spend most of the day with Carlisle as she was also his second assistant next to Emily. Rosalie had already joked that he wouldn’t bring Carlisle his coffee. Emmett would study physical education and English and we were all curious whether he will like it. “Okay, I’ll be back in a few hours,” Carlisle sighed and kissed me once more and then kneeled in front of Carlie and hugged and kissed her. “Look after mommy, will you?” he asked softly. Carlie nodded with a dazzling smile and hugged my leg. I waved as I scooped Carlie into my arms and helped her wave as well. Carlisle waved as well as he drove out of the entrance way.

“So, Carlie, now we are alone. What should we do?” I asked her as I walked into the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of milk and sat Carlie on the ground. She got up and toddled over to the table and tried climbing onto the chair. But she was still too small to be successful. I took my glass with me and lifted her onto the chair next to me. She beamed at me proudly as she let her legs dangle. After a moment she spotted the crayons and paper that Rosalie had forgotten from drawing with her the day before. She reached forward but couldn’t reach them of course. I gave her a sheet of paper and a range of crayons. Carlie took the yellow one and started drawing lines onto it. Like that we spent the morning drawing pictures until we ate and then settled in the living room to read a story. By the time Alice and Rosalie came home, Carlie was soundly asleep on the couch after she had listened to three fairytales. “Oh,” Alice cooed and kneeled in front of her, throwing her bag to the side. Rosalie smiled and put her and Alice’s bag into the kitchen. “Carlisle will be home in an hour or so, he has his consultation hour today,” she told me and settled in the arm chair opposite me. Alice in the meantime had scooped up Carlie and motioned to the stairs as I nodded with a smile. “How come you don’t have to stay?” I smirked. “Carlisle was so generous or should I say anxious to send me home,” she giggled lightly. I sighed and shook my head. “He is always worrying. Nothing has happened, it was a normal morning. I didn’t even felt the baby so far. He or she is sleeping probably,” I smiled and stroked my stomach.

“Probably. Is the little one kicking enough?” She asked and her medical self shined through with worry. I nodded. “Carlisle counted yesterday. And just so you know it is not always helpful to have three people in the family with a medical degree. The person acting as the patient might get pretty annoyed,” I sighed. Rosalie stroked my thigh. “Sorry,” she smiled. “You are the smallest problem. Carlisle and Edward though…” I smirked. “They only want the best for you and I can tell you Carlisle gets more anxious by the day. I think half of it is probably becoming a daddy again and the other half is the worry for you… But he is right though,” Rose stopped the joking and looked seriously at me. “With Carlie you had jumps in the pregnancy. Around the second and fifth month. We don’t know whether you had the first one, but you certainly didn’t have the second. You fainted the last time and you were only five months along, now you are 7 months,” she explained and looked very worried. “We can’t be sure whether I will have those this time. Maybe that was different,” I tried to soothe her. “Maybe but maybe not. I can understand Carlisle if he doesn’t want you alone. What if it happens and no one is there?” she asked. I knew she was right, but I also knew that I was perfectly fine… I looked down to my hands and sighed. “You would be home alone with Carlie…” she urged on. “So, what do you want me to do? You five are all at university and Edward and Bella aren’t here for a few days,” I argued. “Just look after yourself and don’t be so casual about it. There is a good chance that it might happen and we just want to make sure that you know of the risk,” she went on softly. “I will look after myself, I promise,” I smiled and took Rosalie’s hand into mine. She sighed relieved and squeezed mine. “Good,” she smiled and sat next to me to cuddle into my side. “Carlisle didn’t tell you to talk to me, did he?” I asked suspiciously after a moment. “No,” she protested. “I can worry too, you know? I am your daughter and I love my mom very much,” she told me. I lay my head on hers and stroked her hand. “Thank you,” I whispered and sighed. “Always, Esme,” she whispered and kissed my cheek.

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