Chapter 25 -The Night before Christmas-

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24th of Christmas!

"Jazz! Em! I need you here," Alice called and the sounds of the two boys and their sighs could be heard. I was smirking because of it as I sat in the rocking chair in Carlie's nursery. She was taking a well deserved nap at noon and breathed evenly as she cuddled with her teddy bear. I closed my eyes as I rubbed my belly. The baby was kicking again and it wasn't so pleasant... I tried to tune out all of the other sounds and concentrated on Carlie's lullaby by Edward and inhaled and exhaled.

"Is our little one kicking again?" Carlisle sighed and when I opened my eyes, he was kneeling in front of me with a small smile. I nodded and smiled back. He took my feet into his hands and massaged them. I sighed. "That feels good," I whispered and leaned back in the rocking chair. Carlisle chuckled quietly but didn't stop. "Three more weeks," he soothed me and laid one hand on my stomach as well. Carlisle then suddenly started to hum to the lullaby and the kicking stopped at once. "The baby stopped," I said mesmerized. Carlisle looked up surprised as the baby started kicking again. "Don't stop," I laughed and Carlisle hummed along. "You realize that you can't stop that, right?" I laughed and bit my lip. "I don't mind," he smirked. Carlisle started massaging my stomach and laid his head on me as he hummed. Carlisle didn't stop until well over four songs passed and I was nearly lulled to sleep as well until he stopped for a second and seemed to concentrate. "I think I was too boring, he or she is sleeping," he chuckled. "You aren't boring, that was just beautiful," I smiled and ruffled through his blond hair.

"How are they coming along downstairs?" I asked him after a moment of comfortable silence. Carlie started talking in her sleep and he waited a moment to answer. "They are nearly finished I think. Alice is shooing the guys around so that they can finish the rest this night," he told me with a warm smile. "Why should they do that?" I asked confused. "The girls are all going hunting before Charlie, Sue and the wolves are coming tomorrow, remember? The guys already went hunting two days ago," he smirked. "I forget so fast lately," I sighed. "But now I remember, yes," I laughed quietly. "You just don't remember because I haven't gone with them," Carlisle winked. "Of course, that's the reason," I laughed. "But you are going with them tonight, right?" I asked seriously. His beautiful golden eyes were already black orbs... "I will," he sighed. "I don't want to leave you," he whispered. "Let's see... Edward, Emmett and Jasper are home. I think they can handle a cranky pregnant woman," I laughed. Carlisle laughed and tickled my sides. "Stop," I giggled and held his hands in mine. "Are you subtly telling me that I shouldn't worry so much?" he asked with a twinkle in his eyes. "Exactly," I smirked and kissed his left hand. "I promise to try," he smiled and sighed.

"Emmett! Don't throw the presents, carefully lay them down," Alice sighed annoyed. "We are definitely staying up here a moment longer, aren't we?" Carlisle asked as we both looked at each other. "Oh, yes, I say we stay in our peaceful sanctuary," I winked. Carlisle got up from the ground and lifted me up into his arms. "What are you doing?" I asked confused. "I want to sit as well," he said innocently and sat down in the rocking chair with me on his lap. "Oh? And if I want to sit on my own?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow. "Then you will realize now that sitting on my lap has its advantages," he whispered and leaned closer to kiss me... I totally lost myself in that kiss and tried moving as close as possible with my huge baby bump between us. Carlisle moaned softly and held me safely secured to him. I ruffled his hair and held him just at the nape of his neck. My other hand rested on his shoulder and I sighed as his hand fell to my lower back...

"Dada," Carlie suddenly squealed and we nearly fell out of the rocking chair. Carlisle moved me to a more casual sitting position on his lap and I let go of Carlisle. "Hey, sweetie," he smiled and waved when she did it. "We didn't even hear you," he laughed and we shared a significant and loaded look. "Out," Carlie said and underlined her word with jolting her crib. Carlisle carefully sat me down on the rocking chair and he lifted Carlie out of the crib. She ran to me and kissed my hand. "Have you slept well?" I asked her. She nodded and smiled. She suddenly ran back to her crib and stretched on her tiptoes as she started to complain. Carlisle looked at me questioningly but I shrugged. Carlie certainly didn't want back inside... "Teddy," she clarified and tried reaching it through the bars. Carlisle gave it to her and she cuddled it close. She cradled it in her arms like a small baby and smiled sweetly. She then took Carlisle's hand and dragged him over to me. She put his hand on my stomach and lay her hand right next to his. I watched her curiously and Carlisle did the same. Carlie stroked my stomach in wonder for a few seconds before she kissed my belly and whispered "Baby." I nearly cried at her lovely gesture. Carlisle looked very touched as well as he pulled our daughter on his lap. "Yes, very soon you will have a small baby brother or sister," he whispered and kissed Carlie's temple. "Will you look after her?" I asked her softly. "Yes," she said as determined as only an adult could sound like. I took her hand and caressed it.

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