Chapter 5 -Dolphins-

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“Carlie!” I called and our daughter turned around and ran over to us. We were taking a walk on the beach. Carlisle and I held hands as we were strolling cozily along the water’s edge. Carlisle was glistening in the sun, throwing rainbows on my skin. Carlie was dancing a few feet in front of us and she occasionally picked up a shell to marvel over it. As I called her, she ran over to us and her blue eyes sparkled happily. “Don’t go too far, okay?” I asked. She nodded and touched my hand for a second and then ran towards the water’s edge to let the waves wash over her bare feet.

“I enjoy this more than I should,” Carlisle chuckled, but when I looked at him, he looked serious. “I enjoy this time, too. Why shouldn’t we?” I asked confused. “Because most of our family is at home and not with us, but I cannot truthfully say that I would want them here right now,” he said and looked down. I stopped our strolling and stood in front of him. “Carlisle, it is normal that we want some alone time from time to time. I love each and every one of them, just as you do, but sometimes we need a break and everyone else needs one, too. Rose and Emmett as well as Alice and Jasper sometimes take a break and fly away for a weekend or a week. Edward and Bella do the same, sometimes with Nessie and sometimes without. You know that as much as I do. We love each other whole-heartedly, but there are times where everyone needs a break and we are taking ours now. And don’t forget that this wasn’t our idea; this is a present of Edward and Bella for us three. They wish us a great time and we have that, so don’t dwell on guilty feelings.”

He looked up and smiled. “That’s another reason why I love you so much: you are always cheering me up and are the voice of reason,” he said and cupped my cheeks in his hands. “Voice of reason?” I laughed, “and what are you then?” “I am not always the serious leader,” he said. I looked at him incredulously. “You don’t have to tell me that. I have been your wife for 87 years now, I know you and I definitely know that you can be goofy, funny, a bit crazy and not always right. I didn’t just fell in love with your serious side; I love you for who you are. I love the whole Carlisle package,” I laughed.

“And I love the whole Esme package: funny, lovely, blushing, a bit crazy as well, cheerful, serious at times and a bit clumsy,” he said and looked right in my eyes. “Clumsy?” I raised an eyebrow. “Halloween last year?” Carlisle laughed. “Oh come on, that’s nearly a year ago. Will you ever forget that?” I sighed. He touched his head. “Impeccable memory, remember?” he chuckled. “As if I could forget,” I chuckled, “but there hasn’t happened anything since then,” I retaliated. “I won’t say anything,” Carlisle chuckled. I crossed my arms and looked angrily at him. “Oh, Esme, I am joking.” A smile broke through on my face and his face softened as well. “Care to share another clumsy moment?” I challenged him. He looked thoughtfully at me and then a mischievous grin appeared on his face. My eyes narrowed as I watched him. “What about this?” Before I could react I was in his arms. “Just falling into my arms,” he laughed. “That’s unfair,” I laughed. “It isn’t,” he answered simply and leaned down for a kiss. I turned my head away to tease him, but he interpreted it wrongly and was about to set me down. I looked at him and saw the apologetic expression. “Don’t,” I whispered and clung to his neck. “Of course I want a kiss from you,” I whispered and closed the last inches between our faces.

“Mommy, Daddy,” Carlie called agitated. Carlisle’s eyes were still locked with mine and our lips were only inches apart. I could feel his breath on my skin, tingling it. He smiled genuinely and it reached his eyes that softened. We broke the gaze a moment later and looked at our daughter. She jumped up and down at the water’s edge and pointed frantically to the ocean. I looked from her to the water and tried to find out what she was seeing.

Then a grey fin broke the surface and only a second later another dolphin sprang out of the water. “Those are dolphins,” I explained to Carlie. “Do you remember them from your book?” Carlisle asked and carried me over to her. Carlie nodded absently as she still watched the beautiful creatures. Carlisle let me down and lifted Carlie up and onto his shoulders so that she had a better view. She giggled and swung her arms and legs in that position. Carlisle held onto her calves and looked back at her. She smiled and patted his forehead. “Dolphins,” she babbled and pointed animatedly at the animals. It seemed as if she wanted us to watch them, too. Carlisle chuckled, took me in his arm and we watched the dolphins.

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