Chapter 18 -Fairytale-

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Can’t life be like a fairytale?

As children, we had always heard stories from princes, princesses, evil sorceress and dragons when our parents read them to us at bedtime. There are always the bad and the good guys. A princess with her beloved prince and an evil force, who tries to destroy the good. But in the end the good guys always win. Life should be like that, too. It was such a different world than reality but for children it still had the potential to become reality. We play and imagine being a princess or fairy dancing through a garden of roses and one day we will be swept up by our Prince Charming in his shining armor. He would carry the princess to a shiny castle and they would live happily ever after… It is a dream world that was unconsciously built and would maintain its magic for as long as we stay children. At some point though, we get torn out of that world and perceive the real world. It does not necessarily have to be a nightmare, but the magic is lost and might never be restored. We realize that life is not that easy. It has impasses, twists and turns… There is not that Prince Charming waiting for you with open arms. You have to search for him and may never be successful at that search. Relationships can be full of trouble… Even soul mates need to realize the bond and might face struggles. Life does not only comprise happiness and joy, you experience the entire rainbow of emotions against your will. As an adult, you realize life in most parts rather resembles a complex novel than a fairytale with a predictable story line. It isn’t written by one person only. It’s more like a play with innumerous characters and twists and turns. As a spectator to your own life, you never know when another twist is approaching and tries to break your stride…

It was the same for Esme. Already as a child, she loved those stories of princesses, fairies, castles and heroes. She so often imagined flying through the air as she watched the sun from her favorite point up in the tree or running into the arms of her hero as she ran through a field. It filled her heart with joy and hope for her life. Her life would be like a fairytale, she just had to find her Prince Charming… As the sweet child with caramel curls and wide hazel eyes grew up into a beautiful woman, she still carried that hope in her heart. It was crushed to pieces over and over until she was beyond repair… But then Esme’s life indeed turned into a fairytale. The tragic end transformed into the beginning of the most beautiful fairytale as her blond Prince Charming rescued her from the cold clutches of death. She would be forever grateful for finding him, her Carlisle. Piece by piece Esme and Carlisle were able to set Esme’s hope and love back together and since then she carried it in the depth of her heart as her gift. Everyone who was bestowed with that gift had no other choice than to love her in return and soon Esme had gathered her own big family around her with her as the heart. However, as much as her life may now resemble a fairytale, it was still reality with those twists and turns…

Edward and Esme danced gracefully through the mass of people dancing in honor of Carlisle’s birthday. Everyone had a bright smile on their faces, though Esme’s smile was the most beautiful one as she was swirled by her son’s strong arms. Edward smiled down at his mother as she bestowed him with a sweet smile and a gaze from her warm hazel eyes. It reminded both of the times they had shared a dance and both were more than happy to fulfill Alice’s wishes of a classic dance at the finale. As she was swirled around, Esme looked at every happy face and smiled in return. Alice winked at her, Rosalie smiled sweetly, Emmett grinned and Jasper smiled shyly. Carlie was squealing whenever Emmett swirled around, let her fly in the air or rocked her in his huge arms. It was all music for Esme’s ears, the smiles adding to the beautiful melody. If she closed her eyes for only a second, she would find herself in her very own fairytale. A princess in the arms of a noble gentleman… It wasn’t her Prince Charming, but she was nearly as fond of this man. The music didn’t quite fit, but in her imagination it did… The notes forming another melody, an unknown dreamlike symphony. It was tainted with love and adoration. Esme opened her eyes again as Edward held her close to him. She peaked at him and only found a smile on his lips. He silently asked for my permission and I gave it just as silently. Edward grinned and lifted me up in the air for the last move. She smiled brilliantly and her smile grew even wider as she focused on her prince.

Carlisle watched the show with amusement, happiness and somewhat pride. He was touched by the gesture of this gift. He would have been happy about every present his family had given him, but of this one he was especially fond of. His family, friends and even students dancing together just for him… As he at last saw his Esme being swirled around gracefully by his son, he was overwhelmed. No matter how often he saw them dance, it always filled him with awe. Esme surely looked the same when she was dancing with him, but whenever they danced he got the chance to watch her dance more closely. Every stride was light and effortless. Her smile never faltered as she watched their family and bestowed him with a special loving smile. As Edward finally lifted her up, her eyes landed on him with a glorious smile and he felt as if his heart beat again. Everyone started to cheer as the music faded away, but the lovers still held their gazes. Only when Edward gently let Esme down, did Esme look at her son with a sweet smile. Carlisle clapped at their extraordinary show and wanted to thank each one. He vaguely saw Esme letting go of Edward and starting to walk in his direction. He smiled at her in anticipation and could nearly already feel the warmth as she would hug him. Painfully slow, at least in his perception, Esme made her way over to him. Just as she was nearly halfway over, her eyes widened with shock and pain. She unconsciously held her stomach and cried out. Carlisle was too shocked to act immediately. Horror crept its way up inside of him as he saw her in that pain. It was a too familiar look that he had seen on Bella and he was paralyzed for only a second as he remembered. That second was enough though…

Esme’s hazel eyes closed and she lost her consciousness. She was dangerously close to meeting the hard concrete as cold, hard arms securely slipped around her waist and saved her from meeting the ground. Carlisle looked up in shock to see Edward holding Esme close to him. Everything was quiet around them, not one sound was heard. No one moved. But Carlisle wouldn’t have heard anyway. All his senses were trained on his Esme. He snapped out of his shock and rushed forward to his son. Edward had cradled Esme in his arms, looking at her with thousand emotions and then none again. His eyes met Carlisle’s and worry flooded through both. Carlisle inhaled sharply and closed his eyes. He could hear Esme’s heartbeat clearly. It was steadily thrumming in her breast and didn’t betray her. Then he heard the fetus’ heart. It was faster, like a bird’s heartbeat. It seemed to be fine, but the way Edward and Carlisle could clearly see the frantic movements in Esme’s abdomen, they knew something was terribly wrong. They only faintly heard Alice and Jasper sending the others home, assuring them that Esme would be fine, before the family gathered around them.

Edward slowly gave Esme’s limp body to Carlisle as the others rushed into the house, only Rosalie and Edward remained. It was so agonizing to see Esme’s face frozen in an expression of pain. She seemed lifeless in Carlisle’s arms and tormented him even more. The touch of Edward on his shoulder made him look up and he started walking slowly inside the house.

Life can be like a fairytale. It indeed isn’t like a fairytale out of a children’s book. It is more complex, at times difficult to figure out.  As long as you carry hope and love in your heart though, you are strong enough for every battle, every obstacle, every wall.

“Life isn't a fairytale but we can make it like a fairytale”
― Lucy 'Aisy

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

I hope you liked this chapter, I had this idea with the fairytale and I thought it fit:)

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