Chapter 72 -Getting Started for the Wedding! Part 1: Quietness-

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I'm soooo sorry for the long pause again!!! I don't know where my time goes... I have so much to do, I hardly get to writing. I promised to update today though and I barely made it with an hour and five minutes left :D I hope you like it!

By the time we had ended our discussion we had already walked the way to the harbor by foot and our boat was easily distinguishable with the girls already on board. "Finally found the way here?" Rosalie asked us when we reached the pier. Edward ignored her comment and rather joined her on the boat to get to Bella and Renesmee. "Rio at night might even conquer its image at day. The lights are magnificent," I murmured dreamily when Carlisle helped me on board with Carlie in my arms. Rosalie took her from me at once and sat with her next to Alice at the end of our boat. I stayed next to Edward and Carlisle when we left the harbor. I simply loved the city and I had a feeling that every day we will spend here leading up to the wedding will increase that feeling...


The morning after our arrival was one of the most peaceful ones I had had. There wasn't one sound as I finally woke up from my restful sleep. I could vaguely make out the soothing sound of the waves as they washed over the beach, but no voices, no car sounds, no nothing. I stretched profusely in bed and slowly opened my eyes. I was in the master bedroom of our house here on Isle Esme, surrounded by cream, golden and white pillows, the softest linen and fluffy down blankets.

I snuggled back into my pair of pillows and arranged a thin blanket around me while I watched as the light breeze from the open windows played with the nearly see through white curtains of Carlisle's and my large canopy bed. Yesterday evening I must have fallen asleep somewhere along our arrival on my island, because I certainly did not remember to get into bed or to have changed for that matter; that must have been the lovely husband of mine, I thought with a giggle and sighed. After a moment I strained my ears to make out any sound related to my family, but I couldn't even make out Jacob's, Emmett's or the kids' voices, which was suspicious. I yawned hugely and stretched my arms as I sat up in bed and got out a moment later.

Carlisle had dressed my in a short blue silk pajama ensemble, though my conviction in that it was my husband faltered a bit when I noticed that my hair was braided to the side. I padded into the living room area of our house, but could still neither see nor hear any of my children or my husband. Nor could I really see the floor, because of the massive amount of luggage. I climbed over several beauty cases, bags and suit cases until I was standing in front of the French doors. I pushed the glass door to the side and walked out to the veranda that was only yards away from the beach.

I looked around until I heard the unmistakable voice of Emmett. I grinned to myself and jogged to the beach to get a better look of where they all were. All of my family was congregated under the palm trees close to the spot Carlisle and I used to lie at night to watch the starlit sky. As soon as I saw them, they heard me, too, and Carlisle was at my side in less than a second. I laughed lightly when he swept me up into his arms at once and kissed me tenderly.

"Good morning," I breathed and laid my palm against his cheek. He looked into my eyes and I smiled at him in response.

"Good morning," he replied with a grin. He watched my face minutely, the smile never faltering. I didn't shy away from his gaze though and rather stroked his cheek softly with my thumb while looking into his gentle golden eyes.

"How is our son today?" I asked after a moment. Carlisle straightened up with me in his arms and gave me another kiss, before he turned around to face our family.

"He already got his meds and the coughing is slowly but surely disappearing. And to get a full status update: Alice is in Rio at the moment and likely we will spend the day shopping today," he replied. I took a deep breath, smiled at him and stroked along his jaw till I let my hand fall back to my belly. "As long as you are with me, I get through the day." Carlisle's answering smile was dazzling. He leaned down and placed his lips against mine in a soft kiss. I linked my hands around his neck and sighed against his lips as I closed my eyes and kissed him further. How soft and gentle his lips were against mine... how his arms enclosed me in the gentlest and safest of hugs... how all his gestures expressed his love for me...

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