Chapter 45 -A Dramatic Wedding-

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“Ba ba.” I stretched in the bed and slowly opened my eyes. I turned to my right and looked right into Haven’s and Carlie’s expectant faces. Both smiled when they saw that I was awake and I kissed both.

“Do I get a kiss as well?” Carlisle asked. I sat up and saw him coming out of the closet.

“Of course,” I smiled and he climbed onto the bed, hovering over me as he slowly leaned down and kissed me. Carlie got up and hugged Carlisle tightly. He smiled at me and then her and lifted her up.

“Hey, little one,” he smirked and kissed her forehead. I lifted Haven up and rocked him.

“You are already dressed I see,” I smirked. Carlisle looked at me surprised and then with a smirk turned around for me to see. He wore a classic white button-down shirt with a black bow tie and to that a dark brown vest and forest green suit pants. “You look gorgeous,” I whispered into his ear as I stood on my tiptoes to be able to do that.

“Thank you,” he smiled and kissed me again. “We should get the two ready now, too. Bella, Edward and Renesmee have driven to Charlie’s already. Carlie has to be there earlier as well, so we don’t have that much time,” he explained and I nodded.

It all felt like déjà-vu stepping out of our bedroom and into the first floor of our house here in Forks. This was truly home, no matter how much I liked Hanover. No one was to be seen, but I could hear Rose and Alice talking in Rose’s room. “Their luggage is in Carlie’s old nursery. We can dress them there,” Carlisle told me and we only had to walk a door further to get there. Carlisle let Carlie down and she looked around in awe. She toddled over to her old cradle and watched the crystals above it sparkle as the sun shone in through the windows.

“Let me get the little man ready,” Carlisle winked and I gave Haven to him. “You can have a bit of girl’s time with our daughter,” he chuckled. I smirked, but still walked over to Carlie.

“Come on, Carlie. Let’s get you into your flower girl dress,” I smiled and took her hand. She followed me into the corner reluctantly. I made a mental note to give the mobile with the crystals over to Charlie and Sue, so that Carlie could still have it back. I got her light green tulle dress out of its protection and carefully lay it over the rocking chair. I got Carlie out of her pullover, but she refused my help with her pants. “Me,” she protested and I let her get out of them herself. “Good job,” I smiled as she proudly gave it to me. “You are growing up so fast,” I smiled and hugged her. Over her shoulder I could see Carlisle playing with Haven. He was just getting him into a romper suit and Haven giggled when Carlisle made funny faces. But for a second our eyes met and we both smiled sadly.

“Mommy,” Carlie smiled and kissed my cheek. “Dress,” she said and held the dress to her.

“Yes,” I smiled and helped her into it. “You look beautiful,” I told her as she toddled over to the mirror to admire herself. But one thing is missing… I walked back to where we dumped the clothes from tonight and got her necklace. “Now it’s perfect,” I kissed her cheek and looked at our reflections. “Rose can do your hair, huh?” I asked her and she nodded with a smile.

“Daddy,” Carlie laughed and pulled on his pants. He looked down with a warm smile and looked as if he was surprised before he kneeled down and hugged her close.

“My beautiful little princess,” he said proudly and kissed her forehead. I looked to the left for a second and looked at the painting on the back wall with London and Columbus and Carlie’s name in the middle. I sighed. It all began here and will end here…

“Our little buddy is ready as well,” Carlisle said and lifted him up from the changing table and presented him to me. He wore a white onesie with a mint green vest and a little mint green bow tie.

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