Chapter 51 -Fairytale Kiss?-

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The others stayed with us until way after midnight and I didn't want them to leave. My human side betrayed my idea of staying with them and soon I was too exhausted to stay awake anymore. Edward, Bella and Jasper had talked for quite a while as did Emmett and Rosalie, but Alice and I sat on the couch and just watched it all unfold. Carlisle had left shortly to retrieve some food for me even though I had declined, he insisted nonetheless.

My eyelids drooped as I leaned my head against the wall and watched Edward and Bella. They were constantly touching, keeping a certain connection. I knew why, Carlisle and I did so as well, it gave us strength and the reassurance that we were there for each other. I sighed and for a second closed my eyes. As soon as my vision was gone, I drifted away into dreams...

Carlie runs through the garden, squealing happily as Carlisle picks her up and swings her around. I look to my left as I heard sweet gurgles and looked right into Haven's attentive blue eyes; he smiled adorably and lifts his arms up as he spots me. I smile in return and lift him out of his cradle. He is totally content in my arms and watches me and then Carlisle and Carlie running around. His hands start to glisten golden as he was so happy in that moment.

Carlisle catches our daughter again and carries her over to us. Haven claps in response and Carlisle takes his son into his arms while keeping Carlie on his lap. Carlie takes his tiny hand and they look at each other, suddenly Carlie's hand starts to glisten as well and both begin to giggle. It is the picture of perfect bliss as our kids interact and Carlisle leans over to kiss me sweetly.

As we quietly sit on the swing in the garden under a canopy of trees, our children come back home laughing and carefree. All in the arms of their beloved, Nessie dancing happily between her parents, Jacob right behind them. Just as Rosalie and Emmett in the front reach us and I try to touch Rose's hand it all starts to blur...

I look confused at Carlisle, who is still smiling sweetly at me, but too unreal, too constrained. I reach over and touch his arm lightly, but all I touch is air... My heart begins to beat furiously as I notice that Haven is just the same, as is Carlie. I sprang up, Haven disappearing into nothingness in the motion. I run to Edward, who smiles just like Carlisle and he, too looks like an image. I cannot touch him... I hold onto the tree trunk of one of the close-by oaks, as everything seems to swirl as I hyperventilate.

"How do you like that vision?" a dark, creepy voice asks out of nowhere. I swirl around surprised, but no one is to be seen. I let go of the trunk and slowly walk back over to the vision of Carlisle. "That is how it will be very soon, no one will be left... They will all be dead, I know exactly where your precious children are," the voice threatened and laughed darkly.

"Let them be," I scream angrily and still try to find the source of the voice.

"Don't forget who I am, Esme, your life will end just as desperate and dark as your first one, no one alive, you will have failed yet again to protect your children. You are a terrible mother and wife! Charles was right, you are useless, you don't deserve to be happy, you deserve to suffer!"

"Stop, stop it..." I cry and sink to the ground, holding my face in my hands as I sob.

"Carlisle trusted you and what did you do to him? You killed him! He tried to protect you and you just let him die for you, do you call that love? Everyone of your so called family was there for you, wanted to protect the one feeble member and they all died. Rosalie... Emmett... Jasper... Alice... Bella... Edward... Do you remember your son? He tried to help you and let his wife die, only for you... He ran to help you and didn't hear the calls of his wife for help. How does that feel, Esme? You have all of them on your conscience, you are a murderer! You even killed your own children. They called for their mother as they died, alone... no one to soothe them... left to die... without love... you abandoned them! They will never forgive you, Esme. You killed your family in cold blood. So selfish... Suffer, Esme, suffer..." The voice fades away with the echo of the last phrase in my ears.

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