Chapter 23 -Mr. Snowman and Sleigh Riding-

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Three days till Christmas!

"Don't you dare!" I threatened Jasper as he stood there with handfuls of snow. "I won't," he laughed and I turned around and was hit with a huge amount of snow. I gasped and tried to wipe the cold snow out of my face. "Edward," I complained and glared at him. "It was too tempting," he chuckled. "You just wait," I laughed and formed a snow ball as well. Edward's eyes went huge and then he ran away. "That's not fair," I called. "Let me help," Jasper assisted and swept me up into his arms. He ran as fast as possible and soon we caught up to him. "That's not fair," he repeated my words, but he couldn't say more before I hit him with several snow balls. Jasper and I stopped and we both laughed.

Just then I felt the pain again and grabbed Jasper's arm firmly. He at once looked down at me and rushed inside. He lay me down on the couch and held my hand. Edward and Bella came inside as well. "Just give me a moment," I whispered and they waited patiently. A minute later the pain subsided and I felt the heat again. "And human again," Edward sighed. "The changes happen more often now," Jasper said concerned. "The birth is coming closer," Bella whispered. "Are you alright, grandma?" Renesmee asked as she slowly walked into the living room in her snow suit. "Yes, we can build a snowman," I said enthusiastically and Renesmee beamed. "Come, we'll start," Bella smiled and took Nessie's hand.

I sat up and everything spun around. Jasper and Edward helped me before I fell down again but I tried to stand on my own. "I'm fine, I don't want to ruin the fun. We'll build a snowman now," I said determinedly. Jasper still took my arm in his and supported most of my weight. Edward put the wool hat back on my head and tied the scarf firmer. "Be careful," he whispered and took my hand. "I am always," I smiled. "I don't think Carlisle would be very happy with us if something happened to you while he is at work," Edward grinned but I could see the serious remark behind it. "I promise I say something as soon as I feel bad," I said and kissed his cheek. Edward nodded. Jasper let go of me and walked towards the stairs. "I think Carlie is awake, I'll get her, okay?" he asked me. I nodded with a smile.

"Grandma, look," Renesmee called and I could see her forming the first ball of the snowman. "Great," I smiled and Edward and I helped her and Bella... When the snowman stood straight and looked really great, all of us stood around it proudly. "There is still something missing," I smiled and untied the scarf and put it around the snowman's neck. Edward wanted to protest, but Bella had already put her scarf around me. "And the hat," Bella smiled and put her wooly hat on the snowman. "I have stones," Nessie smiled and Edward helped her putting them on the snowman's face for the eyes and mouth. "Then just one more thing," I said.

"The nose," Jasper said suddenly and I looked back. He walked into the garden with Carlie in his arms. She was in her snow suit and was just as warmly dressed as I with hat, scarf and gloves. "Nose," Carlie said and held a carrot in her hand. Jasper walked past us and let Carlie attach the carrot to the snowman. "Tada," Edward smiled and we all marveled over our work. "Snowman," Carlie giggled. "Can we go sleigh riding now?" Renesmee asked after a moment. "We should wait until Rosalie, Alice, Emmett and Grandpa are home, too, right? I think they want to go sleigh riding, too," Bella told her daughter. Renesmee thought about it and nodded. "It makes more fun if we are all together," she smiled. "Oh, yes, it does," I smiled and hugged Nessie. "But we can eat lunch before they come," I winked. "Then let's go," Jasper cooed to Carlie and we followed him inside...

"Cinnamon pancakes with syrup for Renesmee," Bella said, "and for Carlie," as she put the plates on the respective places. Renesmee ate eagerly and Carlie stuffed the small pieces into her mouth in no time. "Building a snowman sure makes hungry," Jasper chuckled. "I'm home," we heard Carlisle call. I just wanted to get up when Edward held my hand. "He'll come inside here anyway," he winked. I sighed but stayed. "There you all are," Carlisle smiled and greeted each of us, me the last. He kissed me tenderly and stroked my belly softly. "How are we doing?" he asked. "We are doing great. The little one is kicking quite a bit," I smiled and lay my hand on his. "The new Cullen can be a football player," Jasper laughed. "That's what they all say," I laughed with him. "Are Rosalie, Emmett and Alice on the way as well?" I asked. "I think so, it's the last day, so I don't think they will make more hours than needed," he winked.

Carlisle sighed then and sat opposite me. "I heard about Steven today," he sighed heavily. I looked at Edward and Bella and then back at Carlisle. "Who is Steven?" I asked perplexed. "He is Melinda's Dad. The little girl from Renesmee's birthday party?" he told me. "Oh, yes, I remember. What is with him? Nothing happened, right?" I asked anxiously. "No, no... Nothing like that, but he has lost his job at the hospital in the next town. He was supposed to spend too many hours unexcused at home..." Carlisle explained. "And now?" Bella asked. "I heard from John that he considers going back to his hometown, though he has nobody there as well... Melinda would then have to change the school..." Carlisle sighed. "Can't we do something?" Edward asked before I could. "I already talked with the hospital here in Hanover on the phone and they think about hiring him, but they aren't sure yet... And I thought about another thing we could do, but I wanted to talk to you beforehand," he said cryptically.

"And?" I asked. "As I heard, Steven won't even have enough money for Christmas presents this year... So I thought we might play Santa this year for him," Carlisle said shyly. "That's a great idea," I whispered and hugged Carlisle. "It is a beautiful idea," Bella said and held Renesmee close. "We should do it," Edward said with a smile. Carlisle's expression changed to a brilliant smile. "I'll try calling the hospital again, there should be a way to get a job there," he said absentmindedly. "Dada," Carlie called and demanded her father's attention with patting his arm. Carlisle lifted her out of the high chair and kissed her nose before he sat her down on his lap. "Okay, and after that we will go sleigh riding?" I asked him. He looked at me with a warm smile and nodded. "Should I take Carlie?" I asked as Carlisle got up with Carlie in one arm and his phone in the other. Carlie played contently with his tie. "No, it's okay," he smiled and carried her into the living room. A few seconds later we could hear him talking on the phone.

"The others are coming," Edward told us and got up from the table. Edward laughed. "They are all euphoric that the holidays are there," he explained. A moment later the door banged open and Emmett appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. "I heard sleigh riding," he said with a huge grin. "We are going in a few seconds as soon as Grandpa Carlisle is ready," Renesmee told her uncle. "Okay, little rugrat," Emmett laughed. "With whom is he talking?" Rosalie asked as she and Alice appeared in the kitchen as well. "He is talking to the local hospital for a job offer. You remember the little girl Melinda and her father?" I asked and all three nodded. "He has lost his job and we planned to surprise them on Christmas with presents and hopefully a job offer," I told them. "Only Carlisle can be so compassionate," Emmett said, but wore a warm smile. "That is such a great idea," Alice whispered and hugged Jasper close. A moment later Carlisle appeared in the doorframe with a huge grin. "They said yes," he said and we all smiled...

A few hours later we were in the mountains sleigh riding. We invited Anna, John, Avery and Matthew with us and so we were all enjoying the snow together. Carlisle, Carlie and I shared a sleigh as Carlisle took a run-up and we sped right past Anna and John, who laughed at us. We were nearly downhill when Emmett sped past us. "Watch out, Emmett is coming!" he called and laughed loudly. "But you won't win," Rosalie called and drove right past us and Emmett together with Alice. We all laughed when we arrived. "Do you have special sleighs?" John laughed as they arrived with their two boys. "It all depends on the run-up," Emmett winked. John nodded with a smirk.

"Again," Renesmee called as she arrived with her parents. "But we will be first this time," she said and ran eagerly up the hill. "You wish," Emmett called but walked slower anyway. He wanted his niece to be happy. Everyone walked back upstairs, but we stayed downhill just a bit longer. Carlisle held me close around the shoulder and laid his head on mine. Carlie still sat on the sleigh and wobbled. "I love the Christmas time," he whispered and kissed my hair. "Me, too," I sighed and kissed his neck. "Mama, Dada," Carlie demanded and looked up to the others. "Okay, Carlie, we'll go," I laughed and Carlisle insisted that I sat down on the sleigh as well before he pulled us back up.

The others were already on their way down when Carlisle sat behind me and held me secured to him. "Ready?" he said enthusiastically and kissed my cheek. "Yes!" I called and all three of us laughed as we sped down...

There will be an update every day till Christmas! :D

-All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer-

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