Chapter 70 - Just A Normal Cullen Family Day-

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The next morning I woke up quite early, but I had slept better than in months. For weeks my bed mostly consisted of hospital beds or chairs where I only slept for a short stretch of time. So in comparison, last night had been heavenly in our huge soft canopy bed with several pillows and soft blankets and covers. I woke up totally relaxed and rested and had to smile when I saw the first sunrays coming into the room through the closed curtains. A look around the room confirmed that I was alone and I sat up in bed to stretch profoundly before I let myself fall back into the pillows, all the time laughing quietly. I stretched my arms and legs again and then slowly got out of bed with a last yawn.

After taking a shower and getting into a comfy outfit, I walked outside and my first destination was Carlie's nursery directly next to our bedroom. The first floor was deserted apart from voices out of the nursery and I walked inside. Carlie was running in circles around the room and her crib only wearing teddy bear pajamas, her curls a wild disarray and she was singing a children's song to the pink bunny in her hands while still having a pacifier in her mouth. I smiled amused and leaned against the doorframe. Carlisle was also inside, a blue burp cloth on his right shoulder, and he had Haven in his arms and was just lying him down on the changing table to get him into another onesie with a police car on it. Haven was babbling happily with his father and Carlisle smiled lovingly down to him and "answered" him just as enthusiastically. His hair was nearly in the same disarray as Carlie's and I giggled more loudly accidently when I saw my blond angel looking like that. 

Carlisle turned around to me at once, one hand always resting on Haven's tummy as he faced me with a big smile. "Good morning, my love," he said and Carlie looked up as well at my voice and stormed over to me at once. I caught her as she flung herself at me and I nearly stumbled back a bit with the force. 

"What a stormy greeting," I laughed and smoothed Carlie's curls out of her face. She grinned at me through the pacifier and rested her head on my shoulder. I walked over to Carlisle and kissed him quickly. "Good morning, big boy," I smiled and tickled Haven's bare feet. He giggled loudly and swung his arms happily. Carlie leaned down from my arms and tickled his foot as well. Of course she got the same reaction from him and she at once hid in my neck again, giggling to herself so adorably. Carlisle and I laughed at their reactions and he let his fingertips running down Carlie's spine and she squirmed in my arms and laughed loudly. 

"No, Daddy," she giggled and finally looked at him with a broad grin. Haven watched the scene with interest it seemed and he smiled at Carlie every time she looked in his direction. 

"Such a cutie," I cooed and leaned down to kiss Haven's nose. He giggled again and then babbled as Carlisle got him into the onesie, only grumbling a bit when he had to get his head through it. 

"He already got his meds, so he isn't so grumpy like this morning, right, little buddy?" Carlisle smiled at Haven, but he only peeked at him before he babbled to himself again.

"How was the evening yesterday after I went to bed?" I asked, slightly rocking Carlie, who was already singing to her bunny over my shoulders again. Carlisle closed the buttons of the onesie and then laid Haven over his shoulder. 

"Great, I joined the football game later on and so did the girls. It was fun and Charlie and Sue certainly enjoyed watching us. But everyone left around midnight," he replied and cooed to Haven as he whined a bit. 

"Can I go and find Rose?" Carlie asked before I could reply and I nodded affirmatively with a smile. 

"Just be careful on the stairs, okay, sweetie?" I asked. She nodded and I let her down. Carlie walked out of the room at once, her bunny slightly touching the ground as she held him in her left hand. "We will have to leave soon again if we want to keep to the time frame we gave Robert yesterday," I said thoughtfully. 

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