Chapter 83 -Hangover-

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"I hate it!" I groaned and hugged the toilet. It'd been my best friend in the last hours. I felt so bad, I'd never felt so horrible! My head felt like a drill was working on it, my eyes burned and any source of light hurt. It wasn't my best moment, rather my most shameful one as I lay on the cool floor of the bathroom in pyjamas and wore a sleep mask to prevent looking into the sun in the morning. I swore the bathroom was still too bright even when the light was turned off and the shutters were closed. And the worst thing was that it was my fault...

We had only arrived back here around the morning hours and I had spent of what was left of the early hours in the bathroom... Carlisle was surprisingly not alarmed to see me in this state, rather like he had expected it, but that had changed as soon as the hangover set in. I would have contemplated why Carlisle seemed to have known about me, but that would have intensified the headache and I did everything to avoid that. My stomach still felt queasy, but I thought that nothing was left in me to throw up a third time. So I felt adventurous and sat up to lean against the bathtub. Everything swirled when I took off the mask and I wasn't sure if I was really moving or if my eyes only imagined it. I groaned in frustration and closed my eyes again.

"Why on earth didn't you watch out for the amount of drinks?"

"It wasn't that much! There is hardly anything in those little glasses. And the cocktails are mixed together."

"I doubt that this is how it works," Rosalie chimed in. I settled uncomfortably against the bathtub and rested my head on the cool ceramic as I listened to the argument between Rose, Alice and Carlisle. They had argued on and off in the last hours as far as I even noticed. There were times where I was only happy that I was alive... But I was somewhat sober enough to follow their discussion now. I groaned as Carlisle retorted something in a quite loud voice. It caused ringing in my ears and it definitely worsened my headache.

"The others are fine!"

"Well, they are used to some amount of alcohol and they definitely didn't have as many shots as Esme. Esme hasn't drunk alcohol since she was a human! It's as if you gave a teenager not a bottle of beer as his first drink, but vodka!"

"Hopefully she is fine by tomorrow."

"And that is all you care about!" I heard Carlisle huff in annoyance followed by a door being slammed shut. I covered my ears as Alice's voice rose. The situation was quite comical when you thought about it. I felt like a 16-year-old girl who, behind the back of her parents, got drunk and now her parents are arguing about who is at fault. It annoyed me just the same.

The door to the bathroom opened and I squeezed my eyes shut at once. "Sorry, but you need to drink," Carlisle murmured in a quiet voice after I'd told him a few hours ago that his voice sounded like a drill at this volume.

"I will not keep it in my system anyway," I whispered and looked away.

"It's a special remedy from Julie. She and Anna drank it, too. They obviously aren't as hung over as you but still." I looked at him and in the same moment the smell of the drink wafted over to me. I gagged at once.

"What is that?" I asked disgusted and faced away. Carlisle chuckled. At least he had his humor back...

"It's a mixture of kale, lemon, ginger root, cucumber, pineapple, peppermint and water." I looked at him in disgust.

"Would you drink that? It sounds awful."

"I didn't get drunk," Carlisle answered smugly. I glared at him, but snatched the glass out of his hand. I would do anything so that this headache and nausea disappears. As expected it was awful, but I got it down completely before I gagged once. I gave the glass back to Carlisle and he still wore that smug smile.

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