Chapter 16 -Change in the future-

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Weeks passed quickly as Carlisle’s birthday came closer. He was turning 369 years this year and that still shocked and amazed me at the same time sometimes. He of course only looked 23 years old and would because of his job and family also pass for around 30 or 35, but his use of words and manners so often hinted at another era. I of course wasn’t any different. I was the very traditional mother and wife to many people outside the family. My family knew better than to say that I was a boring housewife, we just knew each other in and out. Nonetheless, our kids often made jokes about the two of us and our old-fashioned ways, but we didn’t mind that. We were happy to be their parents and guide and protect them as our own. Though sometimes our kids really brought one of us to nearly explode and Edward achieved that today… He was never really the one we had to scold, if we ever did that; Emmett and Jasper or sometimes Rosalie and Alice, but very rarely Edward. We rather had to tell him to lose up a bit and do something stupid or just spontaneous. I would never admit it, though I think they know that, but he is my favorite out of our rascals. So, today really was something differently…

After Carlisle had left for work, only Edward and Renesmee were left as Alice had taken the day off and went shopping for Carlisle’s birthday with Bella. For once, Bella wasn’t in a bad mood because of shopping and had looked forward to the trip this morning. Edward, Renesmee, Carlie and I had spent the morning and noon playing games in the house since it was already getting too cold outside. Around noon, Edward, Nessie and I played Parcheesi while Carlie took a nap upstairs. She had been extremely cranky and whiny last night and this morning. Edward had already joked that she would be in her terrible twos already. Carlisle and I had exchanged nervous glances at that. Parenthood wasn’t a new concept to us, but we never had to deal with our tantrum throwing child before, only with at least teenagers… “I won,” Nessie called out happily and jumped up. Edward and I laughed at her joy. We both knew all too well that she was a sore loser at times. “Again?” she asked excited, totally oblivious to our silent exchange. “Yes,” I answered and she arranged the game anew.

After a few minutes I was up as Edward suddenly concentrated on the stairs and listened carefully. “I think Carlie is waking up,” he told me. “I’ll get her,” I smiled and got up. As I neared the nursery, Carlie was standing in her crib and waited impatiently for my arrival. “Mama,” she squealed when she spotted me. I smiled and took her into my arms, cuddling her close. “Thirsty,” Carlie complained and held her throat. “Wait a second, sweetie, we’ll get you a bottle,” I soothed her with a kiss and we walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I poured water into one of her Sippy cups and she drank it greedily, nearly emptying the cup. “My, you were thirsty,” I laughed, but worried that she might be ill after all. She nodded and put the cup on the table. Carlie then pointed to the living room and I took her hand as we walked over to Edward and Renesmee. “Hey, sweetie,” Edward greeted her and hugged his baby sister. Nessie forgot the game and instead played with Carlie. Edward sighed happily and sat opposite me on the armchair and smiled at the two.

We eventually fell into a comfortable silence as we watched the two playing. I nearly dozed off for a moment because I hadn’t gotten too much sleep since Carlie had woken and cried several times last night. It wasn’t usual for her, actually she slept through the night already, but she woke up so often over the past couple of days. Carlisle of course had assured me that he would take care of her so that I could sleep, but I still woke up every time she cried. So that tonight, Carlie had slept with us in our bed so that I could get some sleep at all after she had woken up for the third time. “Mama,” Carlie babbled suddenly and broke me out of my thoughts. I looked up and focused on her. She looked oddly curious to me. “What is it, sweetheart?” I asked her. Carlie carefully got up from the ground and toddled over to me. I smiled in anticipation and Carlie wore the same smile. I only vaguely registered Edward’s head snapping up and before I could realize it he had snatched Carlie away from me in a swirl of motion. I had only barely touched her hands and in the next second she was in Edward’s arms several feet away, nearly facing the other wall. Carlie whimpered as she stretched her arms in my direction and wanted down, showing that clearly to him. “What are you doing?” I demanded from him confused and got up, walking towards them. Nessie looked just as confused as I did. Edward met every step of mine with a step of his backwards. Carlie started to cry now and stretched in Edward’s arms even more, her tiny hands reaching desperately in my direction. My heart clenched at the sight. She gave up with that and instead focused on him, looking pleadingly. She even touched his cheek several times. Edward’s face softened but he didn’t move an inch. He still created a painful distance between me and my daughter.

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