Chapter 88 - Epilog: Everlasting Days - Our Forever -

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Happiness, true happiness, is an inner quality. It is a state of mind. If your mind is at peace, but you have nothing else, you can be happy. If you have everything the world can give – pleasure, possessions, power – but lack peace of mind, you can never be happy. 

~ Dada Vaswani

Peace. Happiness. Two abstract things which are rare in this world. Two things you cannot influence consciously, but every person on this planet strives for. All my life I had strived to find peace and happiness with what I had. I had never been poor in any way, but the one way. They had given me jewelry, expensive dresses, servants, a big house, but they deprived me of the feeling of utter, pure happiness and peace. This was the time I learned that no matter how much you possess it doesn't necessarily mean that you would be happy and at peace. True happiness comes from the inside and I had never been happier as a human than when I left with only the clothes I had on myself and a few other things, nearly penniless, to leave this life and create a new one with my unborn child.

In my new life with Carlisle I got to know true happiness, love and peace. I always had two people around me who I could trust blindly and they would ensure with everything they had that I could forget my past and find my happiness back. And it didn't take long that I could smile and laugh again with my two men. I would never forget my baby boy, but I was able to move on and knowing that my son was being taken care of in heaven gave me the strength to keep on fighting for my piece of happiness. With every new addition to our family, our happiness seemed to increase eventually. Every new personality contributed another point of view, a different, intriguing opinion on a topic and his or her own special way of making someone else happy.

As the years went by, we had to face struggles, but never as big and incisive as with Bella's entry into our family. Edward had been torn between finally finding peace and happiness with her and being utterly shattered by his insecurities and worries for her wellbeing. It had affected the entire family and took time to heal after what had happened, but eventually, especially after Renesmee came into our lives, we were even happier in this life. 

But we had never gotten enough time to take a deep breath. One doom followed the next while blessings I had never dreamed of having were given to us as well. Having Carlie healed a part of my soul and heart I didn't know were aching. The realization that I was truly cradling Carlisle's child in my arms, that I could look into her blue eyes and say that she had those from her father and that Carlisle would compliment her smile because it was just like mine made me feel such pure joy and happiness. And truly, because of Carlie and Renesmee it seemed that our entire family could heal, especially Rosalie. 

Our future had seemed rosy and I had faced it with such fierce strength and happiness  I'd gained from my family that I could never lose my hope for the struggles we had had to face. When Haven came along, he brought new happiness into our lives and it hadn't taken long and all conflicts prior were forgotten. And now that we had faced nearly every obstacle I could think of, I still looked hopefully into our future, because we had found peace and happiness as a family. It didn't matter how many possessions we had, how much pleasure we would have because of those, but all that mattered was that we had happiness and peace in our lives. 

And for once I can truly and safely say that we had reached that peace of mind and never before were we all so unburdened, free from our pasts and struggles than now.



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