Chapter 59 -We Are on Our Way. Hold on...-

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(Carlisle's POV)

I carefully lay Esme back into her seat and pulled a blanket over her form. She sighed and snuggled up against the pillow, cringing a bit as her side hit the armrest. I sighed and with a last light kiss, got up from my place. The lights were dimmed, because Nessie, Jake, Seth and Leah were sleeping, but Rose and Emmett were watching a film it seemed, as did Alice and Jasper in the back, letting them sleep peacefully. Bella sat cuddled up against the side of her seat right next to Renesmee's with a book and listening to music as I passed her.

I opened the glass door that led into the conference room and closed it behind me again. I didn't want to disturb the others when I wanted to make a call. I looked through my contacts until I'd found the one I needed...

(Esme's POV)

I woke up startled as my ribs hit the armrest and held my side painfully. "Ouch," I grumbled and tried to breathe as carefully as possible. I groaned and slowly got up from my seat. It was so quiet around me, I could only faintly hear Rose's and Jasper's voices and as I looked around, I could see them sitting on the couches in front of the TV. I still held my side as I looked through the plane to find Carlisle, but I couldn't see him anywhere. Bella waved slightly when she saw me coming in her direction and put her headphones out. "They're all sleeping so peacefully," I smiled as I looked at the four sprawled all over their seats.

"Yeah, it was a long day," Bella replied in a hushed tone.

"Have you seen Carlisle maybe?" I asked.

"He went into the conference room. I think he wanted to call someone," she told me.

"Okay," I smiled and made my way over there. I could see Carlisle standing in front of the massive table at the end of the room through the glass door and I quietly flitted inside in order to not disturb him. He acknowledged me with a small smile and waved me over. He held the cell phone to his ear, but wasn't talking at the moment.

"With whom are you talking?" I asked quietly. "Robert. He is my spy in the hospital," he grinned.

"Dr. Knightly?" I asked to make sure we were talking about the same man. Carlisle nodded.

"I've called him an hour ago. I thought he might know something, after all the hospital isn't that big. He didn't though, but promised to check on him as soon as he could and now he is on his way there." I nodded and waited patiently, but also anxiously. Carlisle laid the phone on the table and put Robert on speakerphone.

"Don't talk so loud, Carlisle. I am working undercover here," Robert said suddenly and we both had to laugh. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle the laughter, but it only worked to some extent.

"Esme?" Robert asked and I could nearly hear him smile.

"Hi, Robert," I greeted him.

"Nice to hear from you, too. How are you holding up? Wait a second..." he said and we could hear him talking to a nurse. "Sorry, so go on."

"Okay, I guess. I can't wait to see him and Carlie though," I sighed and Carlisle hugged me around the shoulders.

"I am a bit offended though, I have to admit. You haven't even told me that you expected a second child," he said, but we could hear his playful tone.

"We're sorry. There were so many things happening simultaneously. I guess, we simply forgot to tell people," Carlisle apologized.

"No offence taken. I was a bit surprised though. So... I am in the pediatric ward now, what's his name?" he asked and we could hear him looking through files.

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