Chapter 68 -Home-

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Sorry for the long wait for this chapter! But now I have survived my exams and I will hopefully have more time to write :)

Carlisle and I giggled like small children when we peeked out of a small crack of the door into the already busy halls of the hospital the morning after our adventurous escape. We had only noticed later in what state our clothes were; my blouse only had a few buttons left as did Carlisle's button-down shirt, my bra was nearly ripped at the front and I hoped that it would stay on as long as we would need to get back to the room. I peeked out first, but closed the door as three doctors walked along the corridor. Carlisle laughed quietly behind me, trying in vain to muffle it with his hand. I turned around and glared at him. His hair was a mess as was mine without a mirror in the room and a decent shower. The top and lower buttons of Carlisle's shirt were non-existent so most of his bare chest was exposed. I clutched my blouse tighter around me and Carlisle smirked. 

"Sorry," he murmured again for the at least third time since we tried to get dressed. I sighed, but grinned. 

"Don't be sorry, I'm not. Last night was magical," I whispered and stood on my tiptoes to give him a kiss. He kissed me back eagerly, but laid his hands on my cheeks after a moment to make me focus. 

"But how are we supposed to get back to the room?" 

"I have not the slightest idea. I think the best strategy is to stay as inconspicuous as possible and not look too guilty," I replied. Our gazes simultaneously landed on our clothes and the bed that was in a bad condition. He smiled sheepishly and sighed. I rested my palms against his chest and tried in vain to cover the exposed skin, but gave up after a moment. Carlisle looked down at my blouse that revealed much more cleavage than I was comfortable with. To make it worse the bra was dark red and prominently stood out against the dark blue of the blouse. Carlisle tried to do the same with my blouse but gave up a moment later as well. 

"We could just stay in here," he argued weakly. I raised my eyebrow and walked over to the door again. Carlisle took my hand and trailed behind me.

"This won't help much. Someone will go looking for us soon enough and honestly I don't want Emmett and Edward to see us like that. We would hear about it for the next decades," I complained and my hand hovered over the door handle. 

"That's true..." Carlisle groaned. 

"Of course, it is either our children or the possibility of being spotted by nurses and doctors," I smirked. 

"Let's just get it over with. You don't know how happy I'll be when we get some privacy back."

"We can get through this. We have to go down the hall, to the elevators and Haven's room is already close by the entrance," I encouraged both of us. 

"Plenty of possibilities to be seen," Carlisle muttered, but took my hand firmer and stood directly behind me as I opened the door just a bit. Again, nurses and doctors were busy in the hall but it didn't seem as if someone was paying attention to our room in particular. 

"Okay then," I said and took a deep breath before I opened the door swiftly and stepped out. Carlisle was directly behind me and maneuvered himself half in front of me so that the state of my clothes would be concealed at least a bit. We both looked uninterested to the floor or somewhere else, always avoiding eye contact with people. My hand was firmly in Carlisle's as we nearly made it to the end of the hall where the elevators weren't that far away anymore. Suddenly though Carlisle pushed us into another hallway as a bunch of doctors walked by; he placed himself in front of me with his back to them and we waited for a few seconds before Carlisle took my hand swiftly again and we hurried to the elevators. "Who were they?" I whispered. 

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