Chapter 11 -Dream of the Past-

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Today was Renesmee’s big day! And my day had started pretty early… I had been awake nearly the entire night, because the baby was so active all night and I could only sleep for short intervals. So I was lying in bed unable to sleep but deadbeat. Carlisle was with me though. He lay right next to me, holding me in his arms from time to time and cuddled me. In between, as I was dozing off, I heard Carlisle singing my lullaby. The only time I was really sleeping around 4 in the morning kept me awake terrified for the rest of the time…

I woke up and heard the chatter of voices, mostly male; I couldn’t place those voices though. I sat up at once and looked around the room. I was in a small and simple room. There was a wardrobe against the wall and a simple vanity at the back. I tentatively got up from my reasonably small bed and stretched. I nearly jumped as I saw my reflection in the mirror. I walked closer and touched my face, as if that would change my reflection… I gasped as I looked down on myself. I was wearing a nightgown that reached my feet and yes I was pregnant, but I had an awful feeling that I was not in our time, but nearly 100 years before…

My skin was tanned, my hair was longer than before I’ve cut it and it fell in ringlets around my face. Oh no… I screamed internally and ran to the window of the room. As I looked through it, I saw the oh so familiar fields and landscape of rural Ohio. My legs gave away and I met the floor. My whole body was trembling as it understood already what my mind still needed to process. I couldn’t have dreamed that, right? Carlisle, the kids, Carlie, our baby… Surely not, right? Right? I mean no one can have so vivid dreams… Only one way to find out…

I scrambled to my feet and grabbed my nightgown as I slowly, very slowly walked out of the room and towards the stairs. I could walk this way blindfolded and I would still find everything. This was the house I grew up in… I walked silently down the first two steps, listening to the voices. I recognized the deeper voice to be my father’s and the other… my brother? I stepped down to the next step as it creaked and I froze. I was perfectly still, I didn’t even breathe. Nothing came and the chatter continued. I exhaled and walked down yet another step.

“Esme? Is that you, dear?” I froze again, my mother? “Uhm, yes,” I whispered and as I considered the idea of running back into my room, an older woman appeared at the foot of the stairs. She was around 50 years old and her caramel hair was streaked with grey hair that was tight up in a messy bun. Her features softened as she saw me and she smiled. “What’s the matter, darling? Are you fine? You should eat, the baby needs it,” she said and stretched her hand out to me. I took it with trembling fingers. I followed her into the kitchen. The two men stopped their conversation and looked at me. “Good morning, Esme,” my father greeted me and smiled proudly, glancing to my stomach. My brother smiled happily and patted the spot next to him. I nearly fell as I sat down, my mother giggling behind me. “I’m so glad you came home for a few days,” my brother whispered into my ear and kissed my cheek. I only managed to smile timidly.

“My Esme is so quiet this morning. I am used to your chatting about the world,” my father chuckled. “I…” I started, but was interrupted by my mother. “Leave her alone, Henry, she can hardly sleep with the baby moving,” she scolded him and poured me a cup of tea. I took it into my hands and sipped it slowly. This is just too real… I haven’t seen my parents for more than a century, how can they be so realistic? Unless… But I didn’t want to go there until I had enough evidence. It felt so surreal to sit at the kitchen table with my parents and my brother. I hadn’t played the role of a daughter/sister for so long that it felt weird now. “I’m sorry, a father can ask though,” he grumbled and focused on the paper in front of him. My mother put a dish with bread and egg in front of me and squeezed my shoulder whispering, “eat.” I sighed and grabbed my fork. “What’s the matter, big sis?” my brother, Will, whispered with a grin, but concern was visible in his eyes. “I don’t know,” I whispered. I could hardly tell him that I felt like I was in a dream…

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