Chapter 17 -Carlisle's birthday-

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One week to go to Carlisle’s birthday…

We just weren’t the people planning events weeks or months in advance (apart from weddings)… But a week before his birthday I actually called a family meeting before Carlisle came home from work. Everyone was there apart from Rosalie as she was at the university with him. I carried Carlie into the dining room where everyone already sat on their usual places. I sat down between Alice and Bella and started. Carlie patted her tiny hands on the table and grinned at the others. Jasper made funny faces back, making her giggle. “I just wanted to know what you guys have planned for Carlisle’s birthday so far,” I told them. Suddenly Carlie started to whine in my arms and Alice immediately handed me a bottle with blood. She had one every two days or so otherwise she still ate the normal baby food. We had figured out quickly that she didn’t need it as often as Renesmee as a baby as she was more accustomed to human food, though we didn’t pass too much time between the blood, because we didn’t want her to suffer any pain at all. She took the bottle in her hands and sucked contently, making sweet slurping noises. Nessie watched her with a smile. “Oh no,” Edward laughed and looked amused at his daughter. “What?” she said annoyed and hid her head behind Bella’s shoulder. Bella looked at him questioningly. “She thought…” “Dad…” Renesmee groaned. “Oh, it’s amusing, Nessie. She thought about how easy and convenient it would be if she would get the blood out of a bottle, too,” he laughed. “No, I thought how cool it would be having it whenever I wanted it at home and keep out of my thoughts, Dad,” she mumbled. “Okay, enough of that,” I smiled and Renesmee shot me a thankful look.

“Have you planned something?” “We have it all planned,” Emmett smiled smugly. Carlie patted my arm and smiled up at me for a moment. I leaned down and kissed her hair before I focused back on Emmett. “And?” “Oh, we won’t tell you. It’s a surprise for you, too,” Alice smirked. “I hate surprises,” I mumbled. “You love them,” Jasper winked. “Uhu,” I laughed. “I just want to propose a dance as a present just like last year,” Alice smiled brilliantly. “Carlisle sure liked that a lot and I’ve never seen him so speechless,” Edward smiled. “Are you enthusiastic about dancing?” I bit on my lip to keep from laughing. “I am not opposed to it,” Edward smirked. “I like the idea. A new tradition on his birthday,” Jasper joined in. “Are you serious?” I asked them incredulously. The men of the Cullen family were all not keen of dancing, not even Carlisle or Edward. I always had to drag Carlisle onto the dance floor… “Okay then,” I laughed amused. “But this time on a greater scale,” Emmett told us and swirled his arms around. We all looked at him confused. “We will let Anna and John and maybe some other colleagues in on our plan,” he explained his plan to us. “Do you think they will do that?” I asked unsure. “Those that are cool will,” Emmett winked. “But I can’t really do something,” I mumbled and looked down at myself. I couldn’t dance and jump around… “You will be the grand finale,” Alice cheered and furiously scribbled something down on her notepad. I sighed and rocked Carlie soothingly as she finished her bottle and we let the others discuss a choreography enthusiastically…

“And what should I do?” I asked as we all stood in the attic three days later. Carlisle was banned from this place and instead was at Edward’s place babysitting Renesmee with Carlie. Bella and Edward were supposedly on a date as a cover story. It should be a total surprise for him. “You will be pretty,” Emmett boomed. “Haha,” I said and rolled my eyes. “Let’s try it one more time,” Alice commanded and clapped her hands. She had taken the opportunity and was all dressed up for a dance lesson. Rosalie and Bella were dressed similarly against their will. The guys wore black sweatpants and normal shirts. I got a “Touch my belly and you will get hurt” t-shirt on that Alice had bought me on her last shopping trip. She had even bought a t-shirt for Carlisle with “The man behind the bump.” She had found it hilarious… But Carlisle and I silently agreed to only wear them to make Alice happy… They practiced their moves that in my opinion already looked perfect and they knew them by heart anyway, but Alice still insisted. Carlisle was as always oblivious to our training or plans at all. He will be surprised what we are capable of…

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