Chapter 73 -Part 2: Let the Shopping Begin-

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"Why don't you change in our bedroom? I'll get ready in the living room. I still need to find my suit case, yours was discovered yesterday already," Carlisle told me sheepishly and already amidst the sea of our luggage. I struggled to get over a few items and was tumbling a bit back when Carlisle just took hold of my waist and simply lifted me over the remaining obstacles. 

"Thanks," I giggled. "Okay, then. My things are in here?" I asked and looked into the master bedroom. 

"They should be. If they aren't in there, then they are in the blue bedroom," Carlisle responded and peeked into the room. 

"Okay." It didn't take me long to find my suitcase though, because it was just resting at the side of Carlisle's side of the bed. I sat down on the floor and skimmed through the articles. There were too many bikinis and revealing swim suits for my taste, but well... I found even more revealing lingerie and looked at some a bit appalled before I discarded them to search for a nice dress for today. After a few seconds I found a dark blue maxi dress that had a fern colored trim and a deep v-neck neckline. Satisfied with that I also found a pair of tawny colored sandals as well as underwear and then I got ready in the attached bathroom. I walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later, just braiding my hair up into an updo, and walked back into the living room. While going there I passed the big floor length mirror and admired my dress. I'd only noticed when I got into it that it was shorter in the front by a foot and I liked it even more like that.

"Carlisle?" I called when I couldn't hear nor see him. All pieces of luggage were gone though and he must have cleared up the room while I got ready. 

"In here," Carlisle called. I followed his voice to Carlie's new room and walked inside. Half of the room I knew; there was the dark blue crib and blue furniture, the fish mobile and the toys I knew, as well as the blue and cream walls, but the other half of the room was decorated totally different. The walls were a much lighter sapphire blue and a cream colored crib stood against the wall. It too had a mobile with sea horses, starfishes, shells and gems; and along the ceiling hung several lights that looked like jellyfish. 

"Wow," I breathed and reached up to touch the silky arms of a jellyfish. 

"Do you like it?" Carlisle asked with a big grin. 

"Yes, of course!" I laughed and touched the mobile over Haven's new crib; the gems sparkled in the sun. 

"See? We finished his nursery," he smirked lovingly and hugged me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder and swaying us lightly from side to side. A smile spread on my lips and I laid my hands on his around my stomach. 

"We finished one, but that is a project for when we come back home. Right now this is our home," I whispered and looked to my left to kiss Carlisle's cheek. 

"It truly is with you here." I turned around in his arms and rested my cheek against his chest. Carlisle twirled a loose strand of my hair around his finger before he tucked it behind my ear. A smile appeared on his lips and he ran his hands along my shoulders down my bare arms.

"You look stunning today," he murmured. I smiled at him and peppered his chest with kisses. 

"Thank you. It took a while to find a dress instead of bikinis." At that we both laughed. His index finger slipped under my chin and made me lift my eyes to his. 

"But I have to admit that your smile is the most beautiful feature on you," he murmured and the cool metal of his wedding band touched my cheek when he caressed it. I closed my eyes and sighed deeply, leaning into his touch. 

"I can't stop smiling when I am about to give you the promise of my love anew," I whispered. His fingers stopped to move along my cheek and I opened my eyes to peek and see his expression. His smile was so loving that my legs seemed to wobble. 

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