64 : Two More Days

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Shoutout to Mayharouka for adding this to your reading list and Sydane_25 for the vote!


"I'm so scared you will suddenly leave and I can't find you anywhere."


Back at the Brail Kingdom..

Merlin slowly closes the door. 

"Your father will come." Merlin suddenly says, making Kairos frowns in curious.

"How can you tell?" 

Merlin shrugs. "I'm sorry but not gonna tell."

"Are you on our side?" Karl  looks at Kairos with a serious expression.

Kairos shake his head. "Why would I?"

"You will protect Antania?"

Kairos closes his mouth, he doesn't answer. Karl knows he would do that for the red hair.

"I'll take that as a yes. Merlin will tell you about this."

Karl looks at Merlin, asking him to start. Merlin nods and begin telling Kairos his story. How Kairos was born out of dark magic and how his father was before. Merlin tells him about Barbaron's plan on him and how he will use Kairos as a weapon to destroy the empire and rule over countries. Kairos seems a bit lost. 

"So, my father never really got married?" Kairos speaks blankly. Merlin's nod makes him even more crushed, he's never really had a mother. His own father lied to him!

"So you mean I possess great power. Greater than him?" he points at Karl. Merlin nods, making him even shocked.

"What's the plan?" Karl smiles as he sees Kairos being interested in this topic.

"You have to awaken your power."

"What?! no." Kairos chuckles.

"That's the only plan we have, your father is preparing his army. With the oil in his hand and you, he will be unbeatable."

Kairos looks at Merlin. This man in front of him who always looks at him with such a straight face now has turned a bit sad. He looks at Karl who is still now and then, look him with a blank stare.

"I don't know what that red hair likes about you but I'll do it for her sake." Kairos rolls his eyes.

Karl smiles. "Does my wife like me?"

"Pfft! An emotionless man like you won't notice about this kind of thing." Karl stays quiet. Antania likes him? Really? A small faint smile shortly appears in his face when Merlin suddenly disturbs them two.

"Alright, back to our discussion. Awakening your power might be so easy, but controlling it will be very difficult. It's like a giant rock being placed on your head, making you forget about everything around you and focus on one target." Merlin slowly explains.

"You might slowly forget about us, and even Antania."

"Pfft! No way!"

"Yes, I'm serious." Merlin cuts Kairos's laugh off.

Kairos sighs and turns serious. "Then what should I do if that happens?"

"Always think of us. Your mission and that dark power's mission is different, you are born to do that dark mission. But you have to oppose it and think of us, think of Antania."

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