60 : No Bath

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Shoutout to JehssaGrace for voting on previous chapter and loamsoil for adding this book to your reading list. Also, WE HAVE HIT 90K READERS!! That is hard for me to believe, thank you for sticking up and constantly liking this story. Hugs and kisses!💕


"But we don't have the bathtub inside the tent."

"Don't say,"


I open my eyes as the sunlight hits my face.

"You're awake." Karl says from behind.

"Good morning." I say as I rub my eyes and stretch a bit.

I look around and see trees and bushes around us, that 's when I know we've gone into the forbidden forest. How nostalgic, this was where I first met Eliot and got to know him. But, I've never been to this area we are at right now.

"There!" Merlin points at a small yellow-ish spot far from us.

"Hiyah!" The horses start to run. I straighten my body so I won't fall during this epic shake.

The closer we look, the clearer the view in front of us. 

"A desert?" I whisper.

I don't think this forest has a desert. Even more, this looks like a big large land of desert.

"It isn't as wide as you think it is. This area is known for making illusions."

Everyone is getting down the horse. Karl slowly gets down first. He then holds out his hand to me. I faintly smile and hold his hand, slowly get down from the tall horse. We are standing at the border between the desert sand and the forest ground.

"You see those cracks?" Merlin points out to the desert.

We all look at it. Those cracks look normal though. 

"Under them live snakes with a poisonous poison."

I open my mouth. Th-those small cracks?

"How can we cross it then?"

Merlin smiles at me, the usual annoying smile.

"You kill it, princess."

I shake my head. Oh my, that will take a lot of our energy.

"What are we waiting for? Let's kill them." Karl smiles darkly as he takes out his sword. 

I gulp. 'Come on, Antania, this is why you decided to tag along. Where is your braveness?!'

"Alright, let's attract them."

I pull my dress and begin walking before Karl suddenly pulls me back.

"Don't cause any trouble, I'm not ready yet." Karl says and walks alone to the sand. 

The second he step on the cracked part, a snake appears aggressively and hisses in front of him. Their eyes lock each other. With a fast move, the snake slithers to him and ready to bite his hand. Karl quickly lifts his sword and splits its head.

I gulp, that happened so fast. That looked pretty easy but with so many cracks, that will make our problem more complicated.

"Merlin, can you use your magic to help Karl?"

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