65 : The Day

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"So?" I ask again. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Just live."


It's another new peaceful day today, no sign of Barb coming, yet. Alberth wanted to go out for a picnic, so here we are walking down the stairs to the pavilion where Merlin likes to stay at. We can see Vincent closing his eyes by the fountain. And as usual, Alberth jumps onto him. 

"Oof! Excuse me, you little kid" Vincent slowly opens his eyes and puts Alberth on the grass away from him.

"Hehe, come on uncle Vin! Play with me." Alberth crawls back to Vincent, making that grown-up man sighs and just let Alberth does his thing.

" Alberth crawls back to Vincent, making that grown-up man sighs and just let Alberth does his thing

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Nowadays, Eliot practices with Karl and the soldiers. They're getting more intense as the days passed by. I call Merlin to lay the blanket out near Alberth and Vincent. Talking about Vincent, he hasn't changed his body to a wolf much.

"Mommy, I want sandwich." Alberth runs to me after a long run race with Vincent who, of course, do it half-heartly since he is so lazy. He just let Alberth win all the times they spent running side by side.

"Here you go." Kenn suddenly appears out of nowhere, takes over the sandwich I hold and feed it to Alberth.

"Hey, you little brat!" I lift my hand and flick his head.

"Sis! I'm just feeding my beloved nephew."

I decide to not reply him back and feed myself fruits instead.

"Alberth, look at your dear mom. Pouting like a child."

I roll my eyes. "Excuse me, I'm still 18. What age do you think I am, Kenn?"

Kenn laughs and leans himself to Alberth. "Come here, let me tell you one of daddy's secret"

I frown. Is it okay to spill Karl's secret? I would be dead to just think about it.  Alberth seems to be interested and puts his ears closer to Kenn.

"Once, uncle, daddy, and mommy were eating at the garden when suddenly your mom shouted at her tea because there was a ladybug, swimming in her cup"

"Pfft!" Alberth scoffs.

"The ladybug was dead and you mommy is so sad." Kenn takes a glance at me before finishing his story.

"You know what she did next?"

Alberth shakes his head. "She spilled the tea?"

"No. She prayed for it." Kenn puts his hand together as if he's praying.

"She planned to keep it as a necklace but oh no, your dad just threw the tea and let your mom cried for 2 hours straight!"

Alberth looks at me in awe. "Mommy cried? Just because of a ladybug?"

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