69 : Kairos and Anya

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Inside a rusty book with yellow pages. A short romance of two people from two different backgrounds, finding each other again.


I'm standing in front of a white painted wooden door. Lydia is standing next to me as I slowly knock the door.

"Come in," A voice from inside makes me smile. Carefully, I push the knob and open the door. The creaking sound of it makes the baby cries.

"Oh, shhh shhh."

There, I see Princess Anya with her white gown walking towards the cradle and picks up the baby.

"There are two kids?" I whisper to myself. But Princess Anya can hear me, and so she turns her head and is shocked when she finds me here.

"Antania? Oh my, I miss you so much!" Princess Anya walks to me and quickly hugs me.


"Oh my." We both are shocked when we realize the baby is still in Princess Anya's arm.

"What is her name?"

"Oh, it's a he." Princess Anya says.

I hiss. "Forgive me, I just can't differ him."

"It's fine." the princess chuckles.

"It's been a while, how are you?" I ask.

Princess Anya smiles, "Better than ever. Kairos and I are staying for a while for some business."

I frown. "Eliot is here to for a business,

I lean closer, "Is it for Karl's birthday?"

She shakes her head. "It's better than that, but I can't tell you yet because it's not yet settled."

I sigh. That's right, I've been off for 3 years and definitely missed some important events. I look at the baby, he has the same eye color as Kairos but his mouth is the copy of Princess Anya's. 

"How old is he?"

"2 months."

"Wow, he just born." I whisper, don't want to wake the baby prince.

"What is his name?" I ask again.  "Wait, don't! Let me guess. Kei?"

Princess Anya looks at me shocked. "Did Kairos tell you?"

"No, you told me before."

"Ah, I did." We both laughs, making Kei cries for the second time.


We both are exhausted after taking care of Kei. He is now fully asleep on the cradle with Lydia keeping an eye on the young prince.

"So now you know everything?"

Princess Anya nods. She told me how she knew I was reincarnated and that her old maid was long gone and be switched with a soul from another world. He knew about Barb's revenge, Kairos's awakening and basically, everything.

"Tell me, how did you and Kairos meet after I left?" I'm so curious I just can't hold it inside my head any longer.

Princess Anya giggle. "Well, it was pretty messed up," she begins her story.


Antania's gone and everyone in the castle mourn for her, especially Karl. Days went by and everything's starting to get used to the situation. The town is fixed, the walls are being built and half of the castle is renovated.

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