53 : The Wither Flower

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Shoutout to Sydane_25 for the vote💜


"Nothing in this world seems to enjoying for you."



On the way to our room, I keep asking myself. Kairos's father is a thrown wizard? That makes Kairos a wizard too?! But I am more shocked to know that Kairos is the father of Princess Anya's baby. A sudden pat on my shoulder shocks me. I turn my head and look at Karl. I almost forgot about something, Vincent.

"Karl, we forgot to bring Vincent here."

"He's on the way already."

I frown. "When did you-?"

"Just now, you didn't even notice I was talking to Raja." Karl says then continues walking.

After we come back to the room, I still keep thinking and thinking. I suddenly cough, my throat feels itchy.

"Are you alright?" Karl comes with an unusual panic face as he gives me a full glass of water. I want to laugh at this moment of his red eyes looking funny to me.

"I was just coughing." I chuckle.

Karl looks at me seriously. "Wife, this is no joke for me."

I sigh and roll my eyes. "Nothing in this world seems to enjoying for you."


I widen my eyes and turn to look at Karl. Is that a smile I see on his face?

"Are probably the most enjoyable person I can bully." His expression suddenly changes in a second and he flicks my head and walk back to his chair. I touch my throbbing head. I almost let my guard down, too mesmerized with his faint smile.

I quickly pull myself up and go to the bathroom to change my dress. There is no way I would change it here even though I'm more comfortable doing that. Unlucky for me, Karl is here and i don't want to make any commotion. As soon as I'm done, I quickly walk back and pull up blanket, ready to sleep.

The moon tonight is really bright, it's a full moon with a lot of stars surrounding it. I rotate myself to the side of the bed, sleeping face to Karl who is still reading a letter. Looking at him doing his work makes me yawn. I slowly close my eyes, letting the sound of crickets become my lullaby.

Author POV

Karl puts down his paper. He takes a deep breath before releasing it slowly. His eyes turns to look at Antania.

"Which royal would sleep like that?" Karl shakes his head as he stands up and slips his hand on Antania's back. Slowly, he lifts her and moves her to the right place. After spending 10 seconds looking at that white porcelain face, he walks back to his chair and cleans up his desk. An arrow suddenly flies into the room. 

Karl quickly turns his head and look at Antania. His sighs in relieve knowing how soundly Antania sleeps.

"Good thing you sleep like a koala." he whispers and then look outside. A smirk appears on his face. Without even looking at the arrow, he already knows right away who sent this.

"Such a delinquent." 

He walks to the balcony and close the big window, swallow the sound from outside. Karl walks back and take out a small paper from the arrow that is still stuck on the wall.

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