31 : Nap to Mom

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//Sometimes, secrets are meant to be kept to keep you save//


I'm moving. My things are now being moved to Karl's room. We are sleeping in the same room on the same bed starting today. My room now will be for Alberth to sleep. He used to sleep with me but now that I moved, he will sleep alone. It's not like I don't want him to sleep with me. The empress suggested for him to sleep on his own. Duh, I won't completely listen to her. Alberth is still five, he can still sleep with me if he wants to.

"Let's go." Karl's voice in front interrupts my thought. He stands up from his seat and walk to the door. We are going to meet Philip, sword lesson as usual. Of course since I easily feel bored, I insist on always coming along. It feels more fun now that I have Alberth to accompany me besides Lydia.

"Wait for me." I quickly chase after Karl who has walked out first.

"Mommy!" Alberth shouts from afar and run towards me happily. I gladly hug him. Lydia is still slowly walking from behind. She has her attention more on Alberth now because I asked her to. I spend most of my days at school and I don't want Alberth to feel lonely, so Lydia is my best choice to keep him entertained.

"Are you ready?" I still carry him. Alberth nods as he smiles. 

"Let me carry him." Karl suddenly appears. Since when did he come? He walked so fast that I couldn't see him until Alberth appeared. He takes Alberth from my arms and carries him.

"Let's walk together mommy." Alberth says from Karl's chest.

Alberth, why are you so sweet! I quickly walk faster to catch them up, but Karl doesn't let me walk slowly and peacefully.

"Antania."  I stop and look around. Merlin?

"Just want to say hi." Merlin chuckles. What's the point then? 

"It's been a while, Merlin."  I say as I continue walking.

"There are things I want to say to you but I can't right now."

I roll my eyes. I'm used to his mysterious words.

"Tell me when you want to tell me. Don't leave me hanging up." I sigh. I can hear him laughing from somewhere. He stops talking all of a sudden. I think he has something to do.

The sound of swords clanging tickles my ears. The weather today is so nice that I want to take a nap. The wind inside the gazebo makes my eyes slowly closed. Taking a nap for a while is fine, right?

In the dark, I can hear the sound of a woman crying. I frown. This is my mom's voice. I slowly open my eyes. Everything around me is still blur. Slowly, it's starting to become clearer. The smell of the room smells familiar to me. I look around as I close my mouth.

I'm in my room?

This is not the room at the castle, this is the room I used to sleep in before I reincarnated. My nose catches the smell of my favorite dish. I stand up and walk to the mirror. My eyes slowly widen as I see myself still with a red hair, but my dress has changed into a normal t-shirt. I smile, I miss this light piece of fabric on my body.

"I should go outside. Mom might be downstairs." But as soon as I start walking, I can hear Merlin's voice in my head.

"Don't let her see you." I frown.


"She won't recognize you." Merlin is quite right. She might not recognize me because my face doesn't change. I can smell the food even more now.

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