08 : Angel's Name

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"I, Prince Kenn, is so smart that I get to skip a grade."


"With your skill, even I can tell that you are eligible enough go to finish some problems outside." Philip says to Karl as he puts his sword back in its place.

"While you, Your Highness. You still need more practice." Philip turn his head and points Kenn with his hand.

"Because I don't have that much interest in fighting as brother does." Kenn simply answers.

Philip sighs.

"It's not about interest or not. As a royal family, you need this lesson and is required to master it."

I'm here only listening to their conversation in a small gazebo. Just to say, Duchess Vasulla sits beside me. I don't really like this awkward atmosphere between us.

"What brings you here, Duchess?" I fina;;y put up my courage to start a conversation.

Duchess Vasulla stops her tea drinking activity and looks at me with a smile.

"Watching my son's lesson, of course."

Vasulla sighs before she continues, "He is quiet weak. I want him to be a little bit stronger so he can protects himself in the future."

I nod. Well, I guess that's what all parents want their kids to be. Someone strong enough to be on their own feet.

"Do you want to try?" Duchess Vasulla offers me a new cup of tea.

"Thank you." I accept the tea and try a sip. 

"Wow, this tastes good."

Duchess Vasulla laughs. "I know right. Our mother taught me how to make this."

"You mean, grandmother?"

"Yes. Empress Keana's and my mother."

"I haven't met her yet. Where is she?" I ask out of curiosity.

A slight smile comes across the duchess's face.

"She died already."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Duchess Vasulla chuckles. "Everyone from the royal kingdoms knows. How can you not know?"

Damn! Of course I don't know, I was a maid back then. 

"No, I think I just forgot about this. Maybe I was still so small that I didn't really remember some news."

"You're right. She dies when Karl was 7 and Kenn was 6. So, you might forgot because you're just as young as Karl."

Okay, Antania. Next time, don't ask questions that will trap yourself!

I look at the Duchess watching her son. She used to look scary to me but I've changed my mind. She's just as kind as Empress Keana, maybe it's just her face that looks so strict.

"Should we go somewhere after this?" Kenn streches his body as he and Karl walks towards us.

"No, you can't. You have to prepare yourself for the next step of your life." The Duchess replies. I raise one eyebrow, don't understand what she means.

"Mom, not now. We still have one week left."

"I don't understand." I finally join in. Karl sits beside me as he drinks his water until it is nothing is left.

"School is about to start." Karl answers.

Oh! Now I see. Karl and Kenn is going to go to their new school.

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