Chapter 57: The Return

Start from the beginning

She said dismissing the still nervous expression on Kaila's face after referring to the girls by their new title.

"Here." Lauren passed Kaila two dice. "Roll it!" She said cheerfully as they placed Kaila's piece towards the center of their board game adventure.

But rather than rolling it the young girl held it in her hands staring at them confusingly. "I'll show you." Faye took Kaila's hands in her own as she shook their hands together releasing the dice onto the floor besides them. Counting the result of their roll Faye high fived Kaila. "Seven." She said correctly moving Kaila's piece for her.

Seeing the girl in between her and Faye getting closer to the finish line Lauren cheered as she clapped her hands. Laughing as she did so, Lauren didn't notice the lingering effect her attitude had on Kaila.

While Lauren clapped in celebration of Kaila's small move closer to victory, the little girl mirrored her. Growing happy as well she clapped her hands in unison with Lauren as she smiled.

As Faye rolled after and moved her piece further ahead than Kaila's, Lauren cheered even louder than before. And in doing so sparked the innocent girl between them to grow an even larger smile than before as she took on her attitude.

"Here you go sweet heart." Nina returned placing a bottle in Kaila's mouth as her little hands wrapped themselves around it so she could hold it herself.

"Do either of you girls want a bottle or sippy?" She asked Lauren and Faye to which they shook their heads. "Alright I'll be in the kitchen with mommy if you need us, play nice." She said before disappearing to her wife's corner.

"Care to tell me now what happened upstairs?" Lain asked finally after her wife refused to explain earlier in her haste to get a bottle made.

"I put Kaila in time out."

"You did what now?!" Lain stopped what she was doing as she spun around to face her wife. "Why did you put her in a time out?"

"Because I was trying to give her the why it's not nice to push people talk and she kept giving me attitude."

"My poor baby." Lain said as her heart hurt knowing her little one had to go through a punishment. "How did it go?"

"Well." Nina said lightly. "She took it extremely well. A little tears but she was good throughout the whole thing. And now she's laughing with Laur and Faye. So I'd say it was a success."

Grinning in relief Lain smiled. "I wish you would've waited for me. We could've done it together."

"I'm sorry babe." Nina kissed her wife's cheek before taking over the rest of cooking duties so Lain could rest. "I just wanted to get it over with before my mom showed up later to watch the girls. I didn't want to break into our time with Kaila today with a lecture."

Nodding in understanding Lain began making herself a cup of coffee as she yawned.

"So where exactly are we taking Kaila today?" Nina asked.

"Well I had planned on taking her out to see the sunrise since it's something she really wants to see, but we clearly didn't wake up early enough for that today." She chuckled looking out at the bright sky.

"Noted." Nina laughed as she took a mental note of her baby's wishes. "What else should we do then?"

"There's that new aquarium that opened up earlier last week. Should we go there?" Lain suggested.

"Oh that might be fun. I heard there's even an area inside with some rides. We can all go on those together!" Her wife said with energy in her voice.

Planning out the rest of their trip out with Kaila, the women finished making breakfast as they simultaneously waited for Natalia's arrival.

After plating all the food and setting the table, the couple sat the girls down to eat their breakfast when the doorbell finally rang. "I wanna get it!" Faye sat up on her knees raising her hand as pancake hung out of her mouth.

"No you stay with mommy and eat your food. I'll get it." Nina said as she walked towards the front door as a second ring played out. Checking through the small hole in the door, the woman made sure it was exactly who they intended for it to be. "Mom!" She said happily swinging the door wide open as she embraced the older woman carrying packages in both hands with a small suitcase by her feet.

"It's good to see you again Nina." Natalia said back as she walked inside the home.

"What's all this?" Nina asked looking at the princess themed packages in her hands.

"Their gifts for the girls. You didn't expect me to show up empty handed now did you?" She chuckled setting the bags down. "Now where are the kiddos." She asked with a sweet smile.

"Their eating breakfast." Nina said as she began walking back towards her family before she felt her mother grab her wrist in a panic as she pulled her closer to herself.

Standing near to one another Natalia looked up with a deep aching pain in her eyes. "I'm sorry." She whispered nervously checking to make sure nobody else found their way towards them.

"For what?" Nina looked with concern.

"For posting the picture of you and Lain. Emma called me later that day and told me she was trying to get in contact with Lain, something about wanting an explanation for it the picture. I didn't mean to get her in trouble."

"Relax mom it's alright. Emma didn't find out. She's just been speculating. Lain and I know you didn't mean any harm."

"Really." Her mother gasped in a huge breathe of relief. "I was worried you girls would be upset with me."

"Trust me mom it's okay. Lain and I have brushed that under the rug anyways." She grabbed her mother's hand assuringly. "Now let's go the girls have been excited all morning waiting for you."

Grinning as a huge wave of pressure was taken off her shoulders, Natalia smiled as she followed her daughter towards the excited girls she could see coming into view.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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