Chapter 87: Crowned the King

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Sylas returns to Elijah and Lyra’s side while I find Seth sitting in the back of the room, sort of keeping to himself for the time being. I sigh softly before walking over to him only to grab his hand and help him up on his feet again.

“Kat, what’re you doing,” Seth questions aloud, seeming a bit startled by my sudden action.

I drag him over to Alastair and Anastasia as I state, “Stop being a stick in the mud. You’re going to mingle and have a little bit of fun while you’re here.”

Seth kept his trap shut, giving into me blindly before approaching Alastair and Anastasia. We continued to mingle until it was time for the coronation to officially begin since everyone has now gathered to the throne room. Elijah and Lyra lead Seth and I over to the right side of the front row, only to take our seats. As we anxiously await Sylas to walk down the aisle of the room, I gently place my hand upon Seth’s, smiling softly at him to put his mind at ease.

I can sense just how nervous and anxious he’s been after all this time. You’d think that since he’s the leader of his own pack and they’re quite a large group, he wouldn’t be scared of putting himself out there a bit more. Then again, I don’t blame him for feeling that way, I can relate since we don’t know anyone here, except Anastasia and Alastair, as well as our parents.

Seth leans closer to me, his lips inching closer to my ear before he whispers, “I thought I should let you know that I’ve decided not to leave tonight. I have faith that my pack will be okay. Besides, I have to stay here to keep you on your toes before your big day tomorrow.”

As Seth sits upright again, I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear, thinking of how he’s had a sudden change of heart. I carefully move my hand up to the side of his face while I lean in closer to kiss his cheek a couple times.

“Thank you,” I whisper near his ear before sitting up straight once again, looking ahead as we await the ceremony to begin.

Seth takes my hand in his as he smiles sheepishly, a slight blush arising upon his cheeks. Suddenly, the band begins playing music while Sylas walks down the aisle, keeping his head held high as he throws his shoulders back as well. He looks quite humble, almost as how you’d see a king, preparing for his own ceremony.

Once Sylas makes it to the front of the room, standing before the priest, some things were said and he was blessed before being crowned King of France. Everyone takes their stand while applauding in unison for our new king. This truly was an amazing experience, one I won’t ever forget, but I feel tomorrow will be even better than today.

The ceremony didn’t take all but five to ten minutes before we were all dismissed and leading to the ballroom at the end of the hall, to the left of the front door. Seth and I continued to stay by one another’s side as we shuffle into the ballroom with everyone else. I won’t get into the details, but the after party got a little crazy.

It was quite amusing, not to mention hysterical seeing some of the older men drink the day away and dancing with their spouses or single ladies in the room. I found it heart warming to find Seth smiling and laughing at all the comical things that went on throughout the day. His smile and laugh are what made my heart fill with happiness and joy.

Though, all of this fun soon had to come to an end before our big day tomorrow. We can’t allow everyone to be hungover from today and be a no show tomorrow. Shortly after our guests have left for the night, we were all so exhausted that we decided to order everyone pizza. Seth and I went upstairs to his room after I fetched an overnight bag from my bedroom first.

Once him and I had changed into our pajamas, I take a seat on his bed as I question, “Shouldn’t I have a salad or something healthier besides pizza? I mean, tomorrow’s my wedding day after all and I don’t want to look more bloated than I already do. So, what do you think I should have?”

Seth sighs briefly before plopping down backwards on his bed, his head now laying before my crossed legs.

“I mean, if I were you, I’d eat to my heart’s content, seeing as how today and tomorrow are both celebratory events. I don’t believe you eating pizza is going to cause you any trouble tomorrow. Besides, you could always eat a nice and healthy breakfast tomorrow morning to make you feel a bit better, just a suggestion of course. Katya, in the end, I know you’ll look beautiful no matter what, just as you already do,” Seth gives me his honest opinion before complimenting me towards the end.

I look down at him, smiling sheepishly before stroking the hair on his head, hoping to ease his mind a bit. I can tell he’s still worried about his pack, though, he’s quite determined to stay behind for my sake. Before long, our pizzas have arrived and everything we ordered was brought upstairs to each of our rooms.

I feel sort of bad for leaving Sylas alone like this, but I know it’s for the best, for both of us. Not to mention, it’s tradition anyway, so, we’re trying to keep it original here. Seth and I eat to our heart’s content while enjoying a nice movie for the night. Thankfully Lyra and Sylas had thought ahead earlier as they had asked Damien and Oliver to go pick us up some ice cream.

They took the extra effort of writing down everyone’s favorite flavor and went out to fetch the little cartons of ice cream. After Seth and I finished eating, we started on our ice cream as we now are starting a different movie to watch for the night. Yeah, we took our time on eating, then we had to wait a good hour or so before eating our ice cream.

We were about halfway through the movie when we both grew tired, assuming our social batteries are quite run down after today, in which, he throw our trash away before heading downstairs to put our leftovers away. Shortly after returning upstairs, we wish Elijah and Lyra goodnight, though, when it came to Sylas, I allowed Seth to speak for me while I hid behind him.

“Hey, bro. Just wanted to say goodnight and congrats on today. Maybe I should start calling you King, but that sounds pretty lame, so, I’d rather not. Anyway, Katya’s behind me, but due to the whole separation and tradition thing, she asked me to wish you a goodnight as well. Of course, she loves you and she’s super stoked about tomorrow. Just wait a bit longer, um, yeah, that’s all she had to say,” Seth wished Sylas a goodnight before relaying my message to him.

I smile sheepishly as Sylas responds, “Thank you, brother. I appreciate that, especially coming from you. Now then, Katya, goodnight and I’ll see you at the alter. I love you. Oh, um, don't stay up late and make sure to get plenty of rest. Night, Seth and thanks again, for everything.”

Seth chuckles lightly before rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke shyly, “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, man. Anyway, just thought we’d drop by before heading to bed. We’re pretty exhausted after today, which only makes me dread tomorrow even more. My social battery’s going to be fucked after these events are over."

We all laugh together, finding what Seth said to be funny, yet quite relatable in so many ways. While Seth and Sylas continued talking, I grew tired and headed back to Seth’s room for the night to get some rest. I cleaned up for the night once more before returning to bed, laying down and covering up with my own blanket.

I can’t help but think about tomorrow and what may happen. My mind races as I begin thinking of the many possible outcomes, though, I know one thing’s for sure, I’m marrying the man I love. 

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