Chapter 66: Emotional Pain

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"Katya... Damn it!"

He pulls me close only to embrace me in his arms. I hug him tighter as I had wrapped my arms around the back of his neck.

"I wasn't myself," I mutter softly between my cries.

Sylas holds the back of my head as he whispers sincerely, "I'm sorry I didn't realize that sooner. I'm so sorry. I won't scare you like that again."

Sylas continues to hold me until my cries come to a stop. I ended up passing out after over exerting myself so much today. The next thing I know, I wake up to see complete darkness. I'm surrounded by Sylas's pheromones which keep me calm for only a moment while I recollect my thoughts. I swiftly sit up as I look around. I move my hands around on the ground only to feel a rough carpet.

I crawl around as I come to a wall. I feel around to find a handle. Wait, maybe I'm still in the limo! I try to pull the handle, though, it wouldn't budge. I feel around for the lock and pull it up to then open the door. It's still nighttime. I crawl out of the limo as I then look around. I feel around my dress for my phone. Thank the Lord, I left it in my pocket. I unlock my phone to see my Notes app pulled up. Sylas wrote a note.

"Hey, kitten. Don't worry, I'm nearby. You're in the parking lot next to the restaurant. I'm hiding you from Seth until you wake up and are ready to see him. I've explained to him what's happened and thankfully, he understood. Once you're ready, give me a call. I'll come get you. Though, once we return to the restaurant, he'll be there waiting for you. Be prepared. Love - S."

I quickly close that app out only to dial Sylas's number. After a couple rings, he answers.

I can hear chatting and laughing in the background as he says, "Hello, my love. I assume you're ready then?"

The background is now completely silent.

I look down as I whisper, "Yeah. I think so."

"I'll be right there," he states in a serious tone.

I hang up the phone as I then lean against the limo. Within a matter of minutes, I hear footsteps swiftly approaching. I turn around to see Sylas walking over to me. I bury my phone in my pocket as I then run over to him. I throw my arms around him as he embraces me in his arms.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've done, I'm sorry I left you behind. I'm sorry," he whispers sincerely.

I begin to calm down once he had apologized. I gently let go of him as he continues to hold me by my waist.

"I was a bit upset with you, though, seeing you feeling guilty, I'll forgive you. Sylas, just remember how many times I've forgiven you just within today. All I have to say is that I don't think you have the right to punish me for any mistakes I've made today. Keep that in mind," I speak softly as I look down.

Sylas lets go of me as he looks down. I touch the side of his face as I then lift his chin. He swiftly looks down again as I continue to rub my thumb over his cheek.

"Thank you for taking care of me. You're very kind and considerate. As fucked up as this may sound, I kind of like it when you punish me, then take care of me as if I'm a little kitten needing to be nurtured. Just don't let that go to your head. There's times where you've really hurt me and you've tried to take care of me, though, it takes time. I can understand how I've hurt you and upset you many times. I'm sure it takes you time as well. My point is, can we forgive and forget just until after dinner? I need you to reassure me that you're not upset with me. And don't lie," I explain.

Sylas grinds his teeth together, as if holding back tears. I lift his chin only to kiss his lips softly.

I pull away as I whisper, "Talk to me, please."

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