Chapter 25: I 'Liked' You

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A/N: Just a small reminder, in case you can't remember from how ever many chapters ago. Sylas is the name for his human form. His wolf form name that was given to him is Sy. Anyway, keep that in mind throughout the story!! Enjoy, my lovelies! 🧡

Sylas jolts forward to kiss me. His lips are warm and soft. I didn't push him away, though, I couldn't kiss him back. I was too scared. This was all so sudden. I couldn't make the proper decision. Sylas pulls away as he looks down.

"It's not just whether I want you back, it's that I need you back. I need you to remember everything, Katya. I have questions, too, you know," he states softly.

I look down as I nod slowly.

"Alright, then answer this. Why did you sign our contract for the betrothal," I question.

Sylas looks at me as he admits, "That's one of the questions I have for you as well. We were young. Though, we signed it for our own reasons, right? But, I'll answer your question. Ever since I met you that day and spending time with you for a few more years before the accident, I liked you."

My heart thumps at those last few words. He liked me. Liked, meaning past tense. He doesn't like me now, though, he'll like me again once I regain my memories? This is confusing...

"You see, as a child, my parents explained to me what the contract was about. It immediately sparked my interest because they said I'd be with you forever," he explains.

I look down as I play with the bottom of my shirt.

"And what if we didn't feel the same about each other, like we did when we were kids? Would we still marry and just live life as friends," I question solemnly.

Sylas looks down as well. I can tell that my questions upset him. Though, he knows I asked the same questions that he's contemplated about for years.

"I'm not sure. Though, our parents wouldn't have agreed to this if they didn't sense our connection as well," he states as he had tried to reassure me.

I look up at him swiftly as I exclaim happily, "That's what this is! A connection! I still have a spiritual connection with you, Elijah, this whole place! Even though I can't remember everything, I can sense my memories. Does that make sense?"

Sylas nods as he then chuckles softly at my actions. He smiles as he looks at me.

"I don't want to ask this right now, but my curiosity is getting the best of me. Do you remember why you signed the contract?"

I smile sheepishly as I whisper, "I liked you, too."

Sylas hugs me swiftly as I then hug him tighter. With his arms around my waist and mine around his neck, I play with the hair on the back of his head.

"This is all so crazy," I whisper.

Sylas chuckles softly as he whispers back teasingly, "It's pretty normal, especially around here. You'll get used to it."

He lets go of me as he continues to say, "It's getting late and you should get some rest. I have some things to attend to with my father."

I nod slowly as I'm unsure of what he has to attend to this late at night.

"And what may that be," I ask as my curiosity got the best of me once again.

He sighs softly as he then explains, "We search France, to make sure there's nothing here coming after any of us. That includes you."

I nod slowly as I try to process that. I look down as I rub my arm nervously. They even do that for me? Wow.

"Oh. So, you guys do this every night," I ask unsurely.

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